Our God is majestic and His creation is overwhelming. The greatest HD photo can never compete with the snapshots in my mind from our journey up Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Snowdon. Every step I was constantly reminded that we are loved by an incredible God! His handiwork is definitely on display in Scotland, England, and Wales. When we were hiking so many things went through my mind. Often I found myself singing, praying, and hoping that I could actually finish this crazy challenge! Many times I thought of Christ and the painful road up Calvary...only to be reminded that His suffering changed the course of history and I was simply out on a Sunday hike. Below are some of my reflections and lessons learned over 3Peaks || 27 Miles || 24 Hours.
Run with a young crowd--they will inspire you to reach for more.
Do life with adventurers--you will go places you likely might not go alone.
Do hard things. Quite simply we are way too comfortable. Physically, spiritually, and mentally we can grow stale so quickly. When we push ourselves it sharpens us. It makes us stronger. It gives us confidence- both in ourselves and the Lord Jesus Christ! When we risk and try something challenging or difficult it causes us to trust Him more...to lean into Him more. It creates a dependency that leads us to a deeper place with Him. Risk. Dependency. Intimacy. Those are three words that I want leaking from my life. Risking and doing more for Him. Living in total dependence upon Him and gaining a fresh and more intimate relationship with Him as a result. If you find yourself in a stale place...Risk.
Team is always better. We are better together...period. The Scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 and Hebrews 10:24-25 is true.
Encouragement goes a long way...the first few miles you can tend to go alone...but to finish something hard you have to have people around you speaking words of encouragement and life into you. We are wired by God to be connected to people and to have people in our lives that walk side by stride with you every step of the way.
Discipline in the present leads to success in the future. I would not have made it with out putting several months of disciplined training in to prepare.
Proper kit is essential. Boots. Poles. Layers. God has kitted us out with all we need. Are you appropriating all that He has given you?
Stay hydrated. Water is essential to our physical bodies. We cannot excel, or for that matter, exist with out it. If we are going to 'reach for more for Him' we must stay hydrated spiritually. Our lives must be saturated by the water of the word of God daily. We must drink from the well of living water that perpetually sustains our souls!
Aches, pains, and blisters area by product of 27 miles of steep and deep terrain. It is inevitable. Pain and challenges in our daily lives are equally as inevitable. How we prepare for it and walk through it will define us.
Thanks so much for praying for us as the TVYFC Team took to the 3 Peaks! As always your prayers and financial support sustain us here! We are grateful for your part in advancing the Kingdom in The Tees Valley!
Mike and Kookie