A Life Well Lived—


Today this side of heaven lost a champion. I have been privileged to serve alongside some amazing men and women in my thirty plus years of ministry. Everyone is unique and different…designed by a creative God who seemingly weaves people’s lives together for His purposes and for epic moments. Jim Patterson was a follower of Christ, a disciple in the truest sense of the word. He lived for Jesus. He did not live his life in a compartmentalized fashion of Christianity. He lived his life moment by moment serving the Lord and the people he came alongside on a daily basis. He was faithful husband, loving father, tireless worker, faithful friend and a servant leader. He and his family faced these last five years with a tenacity that I have rarely seen. To stare fear, suffering, uncertainty, and death in the face and never waver in their faith is a lifelong lesson we will all take with us. The legacy of his life and his story will continually be written through his children, grandkids and those who have been influenced by him. They will flesh it out for generations to come because Jim passed on the principles of a life well lived.

 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”

Psalm 116:15


Posted on March 6, 2014 .