The Adventure of God's Calling: Jenna

Adventure is defined as ‘a daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm’. Since I moved to England this past September, I think that the word ‘adventure’ aptly describes my life right now. There is something so simultaneously exciting yet terrifying when you stop talking about God’s will for your life and actually start fulfilling it. For me, that began the moment I determined to no longer let excuses or fears control my life and instead choose to follow God’s call half way across the world to England. And so, the adventure begins.

England is an amazing place full of even more amazing people. Although, like any city, state, or country there are rougher areas than others and I happen to work in one of them. Throughout the Tees Valley Thornaby has that reputation as a tough, Bronx-esc area. We work with kids that come from broken families who are daily facing the destructive elements of drug abuse, division, and poverty. I think what shocked me most about working with these kids was the fact that even though we share the same language, their culture is very different than ours. Mainly, there are few who express any type of faith in God, belief in the Bible, and much less who are committed to living for Christ. Instead of letting this discourage me from believing that the gospel can still reach these kids, I came to a crossroads where I chose to stand firm in the faith that God can still touch the hearts of these kids in spite of their poor circumstances. I am more than confident that the Holy Spirit is at work within the lives of the kids, and adults alike, throughout Thornaby who are desperately searching for something more, for some hope that goes beyond their circumstances. I cannot wait to see the transforming power of the Gospel flood over Thornaby and change it from one of the darkest areas in Teesside to one of the brightest, most passionate places for Christianity.

Altogether, we have the tendency to think that adventures are limited to place. That they simply consist of whatever foreign or unknown area we have never traveled to before. And yet, I’ve found that meeting new people, especially those from a different culture than your own, is an adventure in itself. Therefore, don’t limit your adventures to places, but look for the excitement of daring to experience a relationship with someone from a country or culture completely different from your own. For God did not call us to huddle around in comfortable, dormant groups with people just like ourselves; but He calls us to go into this world, as adventurers, to seek and save the lost.

About the Author


Grand Blanc, MI | 22

PROJECT: Stockton/Thornaby

While attending Liberty University, Jenna studied english and global studies while playing on the women's soccer team. After going on several short-term mission trips, she felt God's call to go to England. She clearly felt God’s call to use her knowledge of English literature and love for their game of football to not only connect with the English but also preach the gospel to them with or without words.

Posted on November 4, 2014 .