2015 has started with a fury of ministry activity here in The Tees Valley. Our team of Tees Valley YFC Staff and volunteers kicked off the New Year at the National Youth For Christ Conference in Manchester. We had a great time reconnecting after the holidays with each other and the wider National Youth for Christ family that serves all over the United Kingdom. We were challenged in our personal walk with Jesus and to take our young people and the ministries we lead out into deeper water. Wes Stafford from Compassion International shared his personal story and challenged us daily to make a difference in the lives of the children and young people we serve. It was a great way to start off our year!
Our team assembled together again at the end of January for our annual Partners Prayer Breakfast. Our theme this year is 'Changed Lives' and we are crying out to the Lord to blow through this valley by the wind of His Holy Spirit and bring life change. It was good to share all that the Lord has done and is doing with the faithful ministers and supporters here in Teesside. Take a moment and watch the video below and hear from the TVYFC team how God is moving in hearts here in the Tees Valley.
Southcrest and Global Focus Week: February 8-13 Josh Willson, Kookie and I went to Liberty University to be apart of Global Focus Week to share the story of what God is up to here in the UK and to recruit more volunteers to come serve with us. On the way I had the privilege to preach at Southcrest Church just outside of Atlanta and we had an amazing time together. Southcrest has been a tremendous partner with us here in Teesside sending teams and Gap Year Vols each of the last three years! Global Focus Week at Liberty University was unbelievable. God is definitely up to something special on that campus. We had so much interest in what God is doing here and it was so encouraging to hear college students feeling called to the nations and especially to Europe. I believe God is going to bring about another revival that will once again touch the Continent. Check out some of the photos below of our time at Liberty and Southcrest.
St. Luke's in Thornaby: Nearly two years ago a group of us prayed in and around a church property that had closed down in the town of Thornaby. Churches are closing their doors all across the UK so this is not uncommon. However, Thornaby is a town that we believe God is calling us to impact. We have a YFC team serving in there with Pete and Paula Madden who are Youth and Community Outreach workers from The Vine Church that we lead. They live right in the heart of some of the most challenging parts of Thornaby. St. Luke's is a five minute walk from their home and the hub of our outreach to Thornaby. We are very close to having this building given to us to take over, refurbish and use as an outreach to a very needy community. Can I ask you to join with us in prayer about St. Luke's? We hope to hear soon and begin the refurbishment of the building to make it fit for the purpose it was intended...to make Jesus known to Thornaby on Tees! Check out some of the photos of St. Luke's below and pray for God's timing and provision!
Help us tell the story of what God is up to in the NE of England. Share this newsletter with your friends. Check out the Social Media links on our website and stay connected with us on this journey.
As always thanks so much for your support, prayers and words of encouragement! We feel His Spirit and power at work in and through us.
Mike and Kookie