Finding Joy

The holiness and glory of our God is what has continually come to my mind and heart over the past 3 weeks since beginning on this unprecedented journey across the pond to Northern England. In the last 3 weeks, the Lord has placed many new people into my life that have encouraged and loved me, and I could not be more excited to journey alongside of them over the upcoming year. As the disciples began to travel around in the first few chapters of Acts, I have been often reminded that the dispersing of believers to grow the Church was not a very easy thing. Neither will it be an easy task here in Teeside, but the reward and the victory that is found in the Journey is so great! In Acts 5, we see the Apostles thrown into jail for sharing the Gospel, but during the night an Angel appeared and they were set free from their cell and quickly went back into the temple courts to preach. Soon after, they were brought back in to the Sanhedrin and accused:

“The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. ‘We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,’ he said. ‘Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.’ Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than human beings!”
-Acts 5:27-29

Right after this conversation takes place, and the apostles state their faith and trust in Jesus, they are told not to speak of the name of Jesus and are severely beaten. After being flogged, the apostles are recorded to have left the Sanhedrin rejoicing and were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus.

There is so much joy and hope to be found from the apostle’s example. When facing persecution or tough times, there is joy to be found when you and I simply count it worthy to suffer (no matter the extent) for the sake of making the name of our King and Savior known. The priests were very unreceptive to the name of Jesus, just like people may be here in Teeside, but the joy found in carrying the name to the nations is worth the minimal pain and suffering that we get to face here on this earth.

In the past 3 weeks, the team here has spent a lot of time in training but also enjoying the beauty of this country and the Tees Valley. The pictures in this post are ones that capture two of the most beautiful spots that we have seen. The first is on top of Roseberry Topping, which looks out over the Tees Valley and the second photograph is from the Lake District. Please come alongside and pray for the people, churches, and schools that we are forming relationships with here in Teeside so that the Gospel might be spread and a God-sized dream might be seen here!



Peachtree City, GA | 21


Jared attended Liberty University and recently graduated with a degree in business marketing. He thoroughly enjoys sports and shoes, while spending time eating whatever dessert is on the table. 

Posted on September 18, 2015 .