Just north of where we live is a an amazing place called The Holy Island of Lindisfarne. In 635AD Saint Aiden arrived from Ireland and established the first monastery in the Northeast of England. The period of the first monastery is referred to as the "Golden Age" of Lindisfarne. Aidan and his monks came from the Irish monastery of Iona and with the support of King Oswald (based at nearby Bamburgh Castle) worked as missionaries among the pagan English of Northumbria. In their monastery they set up the first known school in this area and introduced the arts of reading and writing, the Latin language and the Bible and other Christian books. They trained young men as practical missionaries who later went out over much of England and across the world to spread the Gospel. Christians have been shaping culture through education and mercy ministries for two thousand years. Aidan saw an opportunity for the gospel and began to invest in the community around him. The spiritual heritage of of England is so rich. We often say that we are standing on the shoulders of those who have come before us-great men and women that God used to touch countries and entire continents. Our prayer is that we will once again see this place ignited for the glorious Gospel and that we will see generations of young people trained up as they were in Aidan's day to be sent all over the world proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ! One way we do that is through Camp of Champions. This summer we will be hosting a Camp of Champions nearly every week during the months of June and July. We set up camp in local parks and utilize sports and crazy fun games as a way to build relationships for the Gospel. Please begin praying now for God to draw kids and young people to Himself during Camp of Champions and that He will use the Summer Interns and Gap Year workers to make a lasting impact in the lives they come in contact with!