My Summer in England

Axiom: a truth that stands alone; a principle that is accepted as true without proof
Axiom team summer 2015

Axiom team summer 2015

It’s proper bittersweet, to say the least, to be coming closer to the end of my time here with Tees Valley Youth for Christ. This place quickly became home for me. In a matter of two and a half months, I adapted to the Teesside culture. It was suggested that I do so and let go of my American attachments in order to fully grasp the reality of where I am. I’m going to be honest, it worked you guys.

With Axiom, I lost all my boundaries, all my self-limitations, and brought myself to do sport ministry by the power and grace of God. I came to England with the blooming thought that all I would be doing here is walking around with my camera and what not and documenting every flickering moment among the camps ran by all my peers. I was wrong.

I was trained in media, in sports leadership, and in my walk with Christ. It all happened by the grace of God. I was helped by the legend, Jared Bredeson, and was able to edit an interview video (see below) with an Adobe program which might not seem like that much of an accomplishment for some. Gradually, I led programs of certain park days and events. Which couldn’t been done without the aid of leader Tyler McClure along with Logan Holloman. They pushed me to be better and made sure I felt confident and comfortable. There was just so much that I grew in and experienced. To God be the glory.

Oh yeah, and one more pretty huge accomplishment. Before this summer, I have never seen one Star Wars film. I got to watch all six episodes of the Star Wars series and I absolutely fell in deep fandom. Again, to God be the glory. May the force be with you!

Amazing, challenging, growing— words like these come to mind each time I’ve been asked, “How’d you manage this summer?” I have been privileged with this internship, the workload, the pressures, the adventures, and the worries. I have been privileged with it all, and I have to say goodbye to those. To the people I have met here in England, I’ll say, “see yous later.” (in a proper Teesside way).

I’m looking forward to taking some of the things that I learned this summer into my life in America. I want to use some of the skills and traits that I developed and positively integrate them into my life. I cannot wait to be a better brother, son, boyfriend, uncle, student, worker, mentor, anything! I just really want to be better and I think that is not a wrong intention. I believe that’s also what our heavenly Father wants from us as well. There are trials that we will all face in our lives, but it’s to strengthen us in the practical and in faith. I want to go home and allow Christ to create a difference in the nation through me, just like I saw Him do here in the Tees Valley.

Greg // 2015 Summer Intern

Posted on July 29, 2015 .