Wow. What an incredible first month back in Teesside! It has been such a great transition coming back to England after being home for a little over 6 weeks this past summer. Don’t get me wrong, I love America and the Virginia mountains and the southern vibes, but I’m HOME. God has been so kind and gracious in the various ways that He’s revealed His love to me since being back. He’s opened my eyes to see broken things and broken people, but He’s starting to give me a heart like His for those broken things and broken people. He’s already placed specific people on my heart this past month that I know I need to seek out, call out, and chase after this year; that they may know the One who gave them life and know that He has such a unique plan for them. I’m praying that they may taste and see the things of God and that He rocks their world this year. I’m praying for transformation.
I’m so honoured to be part of a wider team which is known as our Tees Valley Youth For Christ Gap Year Team. Yeah, say that one 5 time fast. We’ve been praying for this team over the past few months and really just wanted to see God send the right people here. We asked for people who have a heart for mission, no matter what that looks like. We pleaded for a team hand-picked from the Lord. I 100% believe we have that team. At the beginning of September, our entire team went to the Lake District. Pretty much the most beautiful place on earth. Don’t believe me? See for yourself!

Now that we’ve been back for a couple of weeks, things have started to pick up pretty quickly. Our Gap Year Team is spread out all around Teesside and everyone is connected with a local church in the area. My church is located in a town called Thornaby. We’ve recently moved into a pretty old church building in the middle of an estate in Thornaby. The old church building had been dead and empty for years. But today, it’s alive and we call it our own!
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights, our Central team and a few other youth workers head out to different parks after school and meet up with kids to play some football or dodgeball. We’ve seen many of the same kids over the past few months come out and hang out with us during park nights which is so encouraging! Relationships are being built and truth is being poured into them by our words and actions. We’re able to sit down with them or have conversations on the sidelines about school, friends, family, and life. We’ve shared the Gospel with a majority of the kids we see at these parks which has been incredible! Gosh, sports is such a gift from the Lord and such an incredible platform to have a conversation.

Thank you for ALL of your encouragement and support! Thank you for taking the time to read this and I covet your prayers daily.
“We are in need of a monumental shift in our hearts to no longer live for ourselves. We go, because when we go, the Gospel saves us from living for ourselves. The Gospel frees us from self, to God, for others. And when we’re free, we must go, some of us to the ends of the earth.”
Staunton, VA | 20
Monica grew up playing sports in school and has a major passion for people. Mountains are one of her favourite things in life, and she can down a large, cheese pizza faster than you can. She's excited to continue following the places that God will lead her to.