Rest in Him

"Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS." - Matthew 11:28-29

     This topic of this verse |REST| if you didn't catch on, has been something the Lord's been constantly bringing to my attention.  I'm pretty sure it's because I'm not good at it, nor do I regularly choose to be restful.  However, He's slowly teaching me that rest is not a bad thing, in fact it is an amazing thing and often times when I see the Lord best.  This past week we spent the morning with a friend at their cottage.  It was during those hours that the Lord continued to show me how beautiful rest and relaxation truly is. 

You see, it's when we are quiet and still that the Lord can really speak to us.  I feel like (at least for me) that sometimes we get so caught up in routine that we barely ever stop to just sit/read/write/sing/etc. whatever it is that counts for rest. I could go weeks without actually "resting" and then get so overwhelmed by the end of it all. 

     The Lord has been teaching me that rest is such a needed thing throughout our life. Our creator desires for us to be using our gifts throughout the day, whatever that looks like.  However, He also desires for us to just be still in Him.  Literally, sometimes I'll find peace just laying on my bed listening to worship music and actually thinking about the words.  There are times when I'll sing songs and have no clue what I'm saying cause it's just stuck in my head.  Yet when I listen and just meditate on the praise and what glorious things people have written about our Savior, then my soul and heart draw closer to the Lord.  Incredibly thankful for how the Lord is continuing to show me peace. I'm learning how to surrender everything in my crazy, exhausting life and find rest in Him.  He is sovereign, gentle, steadfast, and will hold us.  Praise!


Kiki- Summer Intern

Posted on June 17, 2015 .