It is my great privilege to introduce to you Cody and Lauren Finch! Throughout this Spring they have been praying about joining the UK-USA Ministries team in the North East of England! We are so excited to announce that they feel called to come over and begin serving here as missionaries in June of 2013! They will spend the next 12 months praying, planning, preparing, securing visas, and raising their financial support. During that time Lauren will complete her degree from East Texas Baptist University and they will join us here sometime next Summer. These are exciting days! We have been praying for God to raise up University students and young adults to come give their lives away to reach the children, youth, students, and families here in the Tees Valley. Cody and Lauren are answering that call! As you read their stories below please commit to pray for them as they begin this step of faith! It is a tremendous sacrifice to leave family and friends to move 5000 miles from home. While you are praying for them...please pray that God will call out more. Pray that He will raise up others who will forsake the American Dream for God's great Gospel Dream. I believe that God is going to do something unexplainable in this community. Doors for the Gospel are opening up all over Teesside. Every day it seems like we have another school open up or a new opportunity! We need laborers! Help us spread the word....we need the best of the best of the best to come here and serve a year or more.We need them to come and invest relationally and live their lives giving themselves away! Matthew's Gospel says "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38
As you read Cody and Lauren's Bios please begin now to pray for them. Please prayerfully consider supporting them on their journey. You can give to help support them by sending a check to UK-USA Ministries PO Box 11555 Spring, Texas 77391 Please designate on the memo line of your check that this is support for Cody and Lauren. As the Lord leads you please continue to prayerfully support the ongoing work of UK-USA Ministries.
These are exciting days!
Mike Taylor
Cody Finch Bio
Cody Michael Finch was born in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1987. He grew up in Lakeside City and graduated from Holliday High School. Cody was named to the All-State baseball team after his senior year in High School. After graduation, Cody spent time at the University of Arkansas and McLennan Community College. In the fall of 2007, he became a part of the East Texas Baptist University football team. While at ETBU, Cody was a four year starter letterman, served on the football leadership team, FCA leadership team and was named team captain, lead the ETBU football Bible study, and his senior year received ASC Sportsmanship Player of the Year award. Cody graduated in May of 2011 with his undergraduate degree in Speech Communication with a minor in Kinesiology. Currently, he serves as an Admissions Counselor for ETBU.
The summer of 2011 Cody married his best friend, Lauren Finch. While Lauren finishes college, they continue to minister on campus as individuals and as a couple.
Even though Cody grew up in church, he did not come to know the Lord as his personal Savior until the summer of his eighth grade year. He committed his life fully to Christ at summer camp with First Baptist Church of Wichita Falls. Cody's journey has been a story of the Lord’s forgiveness and grace. His path wasn’t a straight arrow, but the Lord used everything about his story for His glory. In utilizing his speech communication degree and love for the Lord, Cody has had opportunities to speak to multiple groups which include: the Faculty and Staff of ETBU, multiple youth groups, sports teams and through the Chapel service to the ETBU student body. Cody has a passion for showing people that Jesus Christ is full of grace and wants to love them for who they are now. He also has an enthusiasm about sports and clear communication. Cody is excited to use the passions the Lord has placed in his heart to reach people in England for Jesus Christ as he partners with UK-USA Ministries and joining the UK-USA Ministries team in May of 2013.
Lauren Finch Bio
Lauren Allison Finch was born in Houston, Texas in 1991. Lauren graduated from Klein Oak High School in 2009 and was involved in many activities including being a dulos (leadership/discipleship position), and a 3 year starter in soccer, where she attained All-District honors. She followed her dream of playing collegiate soccer to East Texas Baptist University where she was a two year letterman and was named to the ASC All-Conference team both years. As an ETBU Cheerleader, she received the honor of being named Rookie of the Year. Lauren will graduate in May of 2013 with her undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Religion.
The summer before her junior year Lauren married her best friend, Cody Finch. She felt the Lord leading her to commit to being a Godly wife, so she decided to step down from the soccer team to devote her time to having a marriage that honors the Lord.
Lauren’s walk with the Lord is a story of His faithfulness. Lauren came to know the Lord in the seventh grade at 13 years old. Since then, Lauren has walked faithfully close to the Father while He has continued to show her how faithful He is no matter the circumstances presented to her by this world. The Lord brought Lauren to a verse in Ephesians that says to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling of Christ” and it has become her life goal to continue that calling. Lauren has been blessed with the privilege to lead Bible studies on her soccer and cheerleading teams, as well as be a summer camp leader, D-Now leader, and have Bible studies to help keep younger girls accountable in their walk with Christ. The Lord has given Lauren a passion to reach girls for Christ and be an encourager in their journey. Lauren will be able to use her gift by partnering with UK-USA Ministries and joining the UK-USA Ministries team in May of 2013.