Filtering by Author: Mike Taylor

Gap Year Team for 2013-14


Our current 2013-14 team stands at 25 Gap Year Volunteers serving all across The Tees Valley! We have had a great start to the school year and we are off and running! We had a tremendous time together for our training week. We spent the first two and half days in a classroom setting going over all the requirements for being a safe, effective youth and kids worker here in the UK! We discovered our tendencies and temperaments and we  dialogued about effective outreach and estate work. Then we loaded everyone up for a two night retreat over in The Lake District where we had a great time of team building, worship and bible study. The Lakes is honestly one of the prettiest places in England and I love going there! One of the highlights of our time together was hearing from Eric Alldritt, a retired Pastor who was saved through a Youth for Christ outreach in 1946! As he shared his story and journey of faith it was so moving and inspiring. It was such a sweet moment and one that I will not soon forget. Upon returning from our training week the team has been serving in schools and churches. They are doing a tremendous job and have really bonded well together. As often as you think of us please remember to pray for all that we are doing here in Teesside. I have listed their names and the area or town in which they are serving. Please pray for God's provision for each of them. Please call on God to move powerfully through them. Pray for tender hearts for those who will hear the good news about Jesus. Please pray for awakening. We are desperate for God to move here among us!



Gap Year Team 2013-14

1. Stephen Bell—serving in Hartlepool with All Saints Church Stranton (Burbank)

2. Bethany McNeely—serving in Hartlepool with Headland Baptist

3. Stephen Merkey—serving in Hartlepool with Oxford Road & Alton Manor Baptist

4. Jess Woody—serving in Hartlepool All Saints Church Stranton

5. Rachel Peters—serving in Stockton with Love Stockton & Life Church

6. Alicia Trinkle—serving in Stockton with The Vine Church

7. Tanner Bishop—serving in Stockton at The Tab

8. Bri Korenek—serving in Stockton at The Tab

9. James Trammel—serving in Stockton Hardwick with St. Johns & James

10. Jacob Chase—serving in Stockton with Portrack Baptist

11. Sam Benzing—serving in Stockton with The Parish Church

12. Lindsey Villareal—serving in Guisborough with The Bridge & Guisborough Fellowship

13. Hunter Brooks—serving in Guisborough with The Bridge & Guisborough Methodist

14. Jen Simpson—serving in Nunthorpe with St. Mary’s

15. James Wilde—serving in Nunthorpe with St. Mary’s

16. Andrew Millington--serving in Coulby Newham with CNBC

17. Allie Mandell--serving in Coulby Newham with CNBC

18. Jonathan Bagwell—serving in Middlesbrough with St. Barnabas

19. Rebecca Jackson—serving in Middlesbrough with Free Style

20. Meagan O'Hara—serving in Thornaby with Thornaby Baptist

21. Braden Davis—serving in Thornaby with Thornaby Baptist

22. Taylor Browne—serving in Thornaby with Thornaby Baptist

23. Liz Baldwin—serving in Stokesley with Stokesley Fellowship

24. Jared Bredeson—serving in Stokesley with Stokesley Methodist

25. Caleb Warren is coming in January!

26. Who's Next? Let's Jump...

Posted on October 15, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

Summer Rewind

Summer 2013 will forever be etched in my heart and mind as one of my favorite summers! As we gear up for the Autumn term it is always fun to look back and think about all that we just experienced! I don't even know where to begin actually because there were so many significant and powerful moments that I will never forget. It always comes down to people and capturing moments in time when God seems to prompt and pour out His Spirit. In the end that is why our heart is beating and we are alive on this live each moment for the glory of God and His life changing gospel. We had twelve different partnering churches and organizations come serve and invest in the kids and youth of  The Tees Valley this summer! We had teams sharing the love of Christ in Stockton, Hardwick, Thornaby, Stokesley, Guisborough, Darlington, Eaglescliffe, Yarm, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, Coulby Newham, Ingleby Barwick and all the way down to Whitby! We did sports coaching, camps, kids clubs, youth clubs, cafe churches, skate park outreach, hope invasion in parks and on the High Streets of towns, prayer walks, beach parties and Warehouse Project parties! It was busy but so much fun and so very exciting! Taking the gospel to the streets and reaching out to those so distant from God and desperate for hope is a thrill and a privilege! Each week we experienced the presence and power of God at work. So thanks to the following churches and organizations that invested in The Tees Valley during the summer of 2013: University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Missouri Baptist College, Champion Forest Baptist Church, Legacy Bible, Getwell Road Methodist, Axiom United, Hebron Baptist, FBC Texarkana, The Heights, Southcrest, Liberty Baptist and Prestonwood.

We also had fourteen amazing young leaders come spend the summer with us and serve as interns. "Team Barnabas" was legendary!! They served from May 16 until July 31st. Their constant presence here in the community created a buzz and helped us establish so many new relationships. They supported all the ongoing programs we have across Teesside as well as served alongside our Gap Year Team and partnering churches! Living together for two months had its challenges but hearing the sound of worship and offering up nightly prayers together was truly one of the highlights for Kookie and me! The bond between brothers and sisters in Christ is so powerful and I know that we will all be lifelong friends! Three moments really stand out to me as significant and powerful. We planned an all night prayer vigil on June 24...asking God to pour our His Spirit on this valley and raise up thirty Gap Year workers to come serve here from September (more on that in the next blog post!). We had a group of 30 Teessiders and Americans crying out to God through the night. We all sensed God's powerful presence and several of our current 2013-14 Gap Year team either called that very night or felt prompted by God to join with us. It was an unbelievable night! The second moment was July 14 when we held a picnic and baptism service out at Saltburn by the Sea and baptized 5 young people!  One young man name Matt who had been hanging out with us for over a year, prayed to receive Christ right on the beach that afternoon! The third snapshot took place in late July. We put on our second annual 'Camp of Champions' at Preston Park run by Liberty Church in Virginia and hosted by churches from across Eaglescliffe and Yarm. We had over 100 children involved each morning at camp and dozens of youth each afternoon and evening. It was a great week and children came to faith each of the last three days at camp. On the evenings we had youth events each night and Wednesday night we had a big youth pizza party at The Axiom Centre Warehouse Project! Jesse from Liberty shared his story of faith and I gave a challenge at the end asking if any young people were ready to step into faith and follow Jesus to write their name on the chalkboard and draw a cross through their name. Galatians 2:20 is the image I had in my mind..."I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Several youth came to faith that night...but the coolest thing happened the next morning. One of the local lads named Mikey, who plays on the Middlesbrough Futsal team with Thad and who had been serving as a helper at Camp of Champions, prayed to receive Christ that morning at camp. He then proceeded to come into our home...where there is a chalkboard...and he wrote his name and put a cross through it!!! Needless to say our house went crazy!! Mikey's Story

Three snapshots from epoch moments this summer that transformed lives for eternity. We believe that God is at work and on the move here! We believe that we are only beginning to see the first waves of mercy and grace. We are so grateful for all of your support through prayer, encouragement and sacrificial giving! We feel so blessed to serve here in Teesside and alongside so many amazing people. We are excited about the days to come and believe that 2013-14 is going to be such a significant year as we continue to share the good news about Jesus Christ across The Tees Valley!



Posted on September 19, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.


Hey All! I just wanted to update each of you on what we are doing here in the UK tomorrow night and how you can help us out! We are having an all night prayer meeting starting tomorrow evening at 930pm at our home. Our current Gap Year team and our Summer Interns are going to pray and worship through the night together. We are praying specifically for God to raise up thirty Gap Year workers for the coming school well as for revival to break out across the Tees Valley. We need your help. If you can announce this tomorrow in your youth groups, Sunday School classes and churches that would be so cool. Also if you can help us by retweeting us through out the day beginning at 330pm your time tomorrow though the evening we want to try and get #thirty and #ukgapyear2013 trending tomorrow night on twitter. We should finish here at about 6am Monday morning which will be midnight or 1am your time depending on where you live in the USA. Also...we would love it if you could please join us in prayer for some or all of this time! We feel like the Lord is at work and stirring up folks on both sides of the pond and we are desperate to see Him move and change this place. We need #thirty Gap Year vols to come join us in this adventure! Please tweet to or and let us know that you are joining in with us! Love each of you and so thankful for your love for us and this ministry! In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on June 22, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

Carlos Velasquez--Reflections from a Gap Year Volunteer

Carlos was UK-USA Ministries  first Gap Year Volunteer in Teesside! 2011-2012I have now been in America 9 months since living in England. Serving with UK-USA Ministries has definitely been my most challenging opportunity. It has also been the most rewarding. The Tees Valley is a special place. Not because it’s cold 364 days out of the year or because it rains everyday, but because it’s probably the most unlikely place that anyone would think of for God to use, but that’s exactly what is happening. God is using the Tees Valley and anyone who is willing to be apart of something bigger than themselves to make His name famous. I say this with full confidence not only because I can see it, but because I’ve experienced it personally.I was blessed to have been the very first UK-USA Gap year to go over with Mike. I spent October 2011-July 2012 in The Tees Valley. Words cannot justify how my life was been radically transformed in just 9 months. I came back to Texas knowing that life would no longer look the same. I am now a biblical studies major at Dallas Baptist University. I am apart of a fraternity. I work in an office on campus. Life is completely different. Though life drastically changed in just a few weeks between my transition from England to Dallas, there are things that remain the same. There is still a need in England. God is still alive and moving through UK-USA Ministries. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

My first year at DBU is coming to an end and it has been incredibly challenging. It’s been culture shock all over again, but as I’ve written papers and been challenged by my professors I’ve come to an incredible realization. My heart is for the nations. I was asked to write a paper on my specific callings in life. As I pondered, I came up with 3 things. I believe God has called me to travel, make friends, and teach. The Gospel really does make most sense through relationships and my time on British soil serving alongside UK-USA helped me to understand that not only with my mind, but with my heart and soul as well.

I love America and still think of it as a great nation, but I believe that America is not where I will spend the rest of my days. Coming to this realization was quite surprising to me, but it was a desire given to me by The Father. Because I know this, I have made a the decision to not only get my bachelors degree in Biblical Studies, but I will now continue with my education and purse a Masters in Global Leadership. I do this to grow in my knowledge and to be the best servant leader that I can for my God and to love Him with my mind.

For anyone reading this with even the slightest interest of serving in England, I would encourage you to pray. I don’t mean just pray every now and then about the opportunity to live in England, but pray without ceasing about the opportunity to get down on hands and knees in England. It’s funny looking back to when I was first approached about serving in England, I had NO interest at all. None. I was set to go to University. I had my classes sorted, my dorm room, roommate, but then I prayed. 30. That’s what how many gap year workers we are praying for. Will you be one? Serving in England won’t always be easy, it won’t always be fun. It definitely won’t ever be warm, but it will be worth it. A consistent prayer of mine that was started in England is that I would live on nothing but The Lord’s faithfulness. I dare you to pray dangerously and do the same. Live on NOTHING but His faithfulness.

For His Glory,

Carlos Velasquez

Posted on April 26, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.


"These are the names of David's mighty men:" 2 Samuel 23:8 I would encourage you to go on and read all of 2 Samuel 23. It tells a story of men who performed mighty acts of valor in the name of their king. These were men who were willing to risk everything. My favorite part is when King David was on the run and hiding in the cave of Adullam. In that moment he longed for a drink of water from the well in Bethlehem. 2 Samuel 23:13-17 "During harvest time, three of the thirty chief men came down to David at the cave of Adullam, while a band of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of Rephaim. At that time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem. David longed for water and said, "Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!" So the three mighty men broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the LORD. "Far be it from me, O LORD, to do this!" he said. "Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?" And David would not drink it. Such were the exploits of the three mighty men." Great leaders have always inspired ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things and to be willing to risk it all to attempt something that doesn't always make sense. King David was a great leader and he surrounded himself with a band of mighty men and we are still talking about it today! That is extraordinary! Kookie and I arrived in the USA late Tuesday evening. While we are in the States we will be in Northwest Arkansas, Florida, and Houston, Texas. Our primary purpose for being here is to engage young men and women with the idea of doing something extraordinary for their King. We are praying that God would raise up #thirty Gap Year Volunteers to come to the United Kingdom and serve the kids, youth and churches of the Tees Valley for 2013-2014 school year. We have an amazing opportunity before us in Teesside. Everywhere we turn schools are opening their doors and asking us to come in and work with their students. Churches are coming together in unity with a willingness to work in partnership for His glory and renown and the salvation of the Tees Valley. Churches and ministers sharing ideas and resources combined with schools being open to the gospel is a recipe for a movement of God. We simply need people who love Jesus and that can connect relationally to join with us. We need a band of warriors like David's mighty men. Would you be willing to step out in faith and risk a year of your life for the cause of Christ in Teesside? Would you be willing to put your plans and future on hold for a chance to be apart of a movement that changes a generation? I love this quote by Teddy Roosevelt “The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly; who know the great enthusiasums, the great devotions, and spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at best know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if they fail, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” Will you step into the arena and be one of the #thirty? If you are interested in serving a gap year or you know someone that would be, please call me on my USA mobile at 832-723-2357.

Think back to David's mighty men. They were simply consumed with serving their king. Their exploits have been talked about for thousands of years. What exploits will you do for your King?

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on April 20, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

Gap Year Vol Rachel Jeske

Well, it's Easter. And it's still snowing. Not gonna lie, I'm finally missing the sun and the warmth. It takes too long to get dressed in the morning. Too many layers. Anyway, the Easter season has been crazy-busy, as one might imagine. The church has had services basically non-stop from Thursday night until Easter Sunday. And we've had more youth groups and schools work more than usual. I've been immersed with Easter this year, and I'm liking the constant reminder of why we're celebrating! Palm Sunday allowed me to see a donkey, which the church hired to walk around the church. Monday afternoon/evening we had youth groups as normal. I shared the Easter story to the group of 4-8 year olds using the Resurrection Eggs, which they LOVED! They get taught the story in school because of the Christian heritage the country has. So they helped tell the story and were so excited to open each egg and find out what was inside! Their passion was such an encouragement, which it is every week :) In our 11-14 year olds group, we acted out the story of Jesus from the Last Supper to the Resurrection. Most of the kids didn't want to participate, but a few of them got really involved and were excited to relive the story. Tuesday I spent a couple of hours making 100+ sugar cookies for Wednesday's Easter workshop. So Wednesday we were invited into the local primary school to host an Easter workshop for 50+ 3-5 year olds and their families! After an hour making crafts and decorating biscuits (cookies) I had the opportunity to share the story of Easter again using the Resurrection Eggs. I've never been so nervous to speak in front of people! It wasn't just a group of kids this time. It was a group of kids and their parents, parents who had specifically questioned the teachers to make sure this wasn't going to be "too religious or Christian." Parents who were Muslims, Atheists...etc. The school's teachers told me that I could tell the story I believed, as long as I began and ended it with, "this is what Christians believe and celebrate at Easter." So I told the story and the kids were really involved and paid close attention. Throughout the whole story I reminded them how this was all part of God's plan, because He loved us so much, so that we could be forgiven from the wrong things we've done. Afterward I got a few "thank yous" from the parents but no negative comments directed specifically at me. One mom even stayed after everyone else had gone to tell me thank you. She said that she was a Christian too, and had just moved here (from some Slovak nation, judging by the accent) and that she was so glad people were telling this story in school! She thanked me for not being intimidated by the other parents and being able to tell the story so the kids could understand it! I'm really not sure what I said or if it got through to those kids or their parents, but I told the true story so now it's up to the Holy Spirit! Friday was also busy. It began bright and early with a Witness Walk through the towns. We gathered with other churches in the area to walk and sing songs of praise to Jesus. Then we had a 2nd Easter workshop for the kids at our church. More crafts. And I shared the story with the Resurrection Eggs again! We definitely got our money's worth out of them this year! I was way less nervous this time, as we already had relationships with their parents and it was in a church, so they knew what to expect. The kids really enjoyed it and we ended the workshop by singing "Jumping Up and Down, Shout Hosanna!" with the Donut Man (anyone remember him?) They LOVED that. The 90's was a simpler time. Last night (Good Friday) we spent the afternoon and evening with EQ, the high school aged kids. We had a Fish & Chips meal (tradition here on Good Friday) and discussed some pretty deep questions about Jesus: why He was the only one who could die for us, why God would actually want Jesus to die, why the death and resurrection are crucial in the story of Easter. Then we asked the kids if they've ever truly committed their life to Christ and what would be holding them back. They said they had never though about it from that perspective before. They've never seen it as a commitment. And they were pretty honest about what's holding them back from giving their lives to Jesus. A couple of the girls said that they didn't want to give up their future or give up control of their lives, and one of the lads said that he didn't want to have to follow a bunch of rules and laws. It was encouraging to get to tell them my story and how there is SOOO much freedom in relinquishing control and knowing that it's not up to me to save the world. It's a great start for them to begin thinking about these things. Over the next couple of months, we have several big events that will allow us to go deeper and ask those questions again, encouraging them to take the next step in their faith. Beloved, our girl's weekend is coming up in 2 weeks time. We're talking about Self-Worth and how it can only be satisfied in Jesus Christ. Please pray for the girl's hearts to be open to taking the next step on their journey with God. And pray for the leaders, they still don't seem to understand what this is all about. It's like pulling teeth, trying to get them to see the importance and necessity of keeping Christ at the center of the youth groups. Pray that they will see Christianity not just as a faith, but as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ their Savior, a relationship that needs to never stop growing!

Posted on April 18, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

Texas and Teesside!

Stokesley & Heritage Park!It has been a great week for ministry here in The Tees Valley! We have had three teams from Houston, Texas across serving in six different schools. Texas and Teesside have been linked for the better part of twelve years. So it is fitting that the first groups hopping across the pond to serve here in Teesside for 2013 have all come from Texas! The team from Champion Forest led by Steven Morris served in The Kings Academy and Coulby Newham Baptist Church in Middlesbrough. Kyle Jackson and Heritage Park Baptist continued to serve in Stokesley in partnership with Stokesley School and churches in Stokesley and Great Ayton. Nate Jordan from Nassau Bay Baptist brought a new team across to Hartlepool and helped us launch a brand new work in four different schools impacting three different churches. Each team has had a tremendous week and we are experiencing the fruit of their labor! One of our great goals is to partner with local churches to extend the reach of what they are doing with kids and youth. Youth Night at Holy Trinity HartlepoolIn Hartlepool over 80 young people came to the going away event at Holy Trinity church and 3 young ladies trusted Christ! In Stokesley over 50 young people came to their Friday night youth group. The Champion Forest team partnering with Coulby Newham Baptist combined with Portrack Baptist and had an amazing crowd turn out to learn how to share Christ and help people "get it" and connect with God in a personal relationship! So it has been such an encouraging week! In the days to come we will be uploading some personal stories of how God is at work in each of these three youth groups and the cities and schools they served in during their time here in the United Kingdom! Please continue to pray for Teesside. We sense God is on the move... In His Joy, Mike

Posted on March 17, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

Projects Update!

TVYFC at National Conference January 2013We are off to a great start to 2013! Our partnership and work with Tees Valley Youth For Christ is really experiencing great growth. Our team of Gap Year volunteers and TVYFC Staff traveled down to Coventry for the annual National Youth for Christ Conference earlier this month. We experienced some powerful moments of inspirational worship and teaching, some great conference sessions and lots of laughter! God has given us a great team and it was just fun to be together! Here is a glimpse of each project and what they are doing every week. Please pray by name for each person on the Tees Valley YFC Team! The Stokesley Project is headed up by Neil Harris. Neil is a tremendous Youth Worker and long time leader here in the Tees Valley. Kayla Moore, from Newnan, Georgia serves alongside him in Stokesley School. Together they are impacting young people daily through teaching lessons and lunch clubs! They also lead Stokesley Cafe Church the first Tuesday of every month and a youth club on Sunday evenings at Stokesley Methodist Church.

Middlesbrough Freestyle is led by Andy Falconer. Andy is all 'Boro! God has really given him a heart for the city of Middlesbrough. He is leading a project that uses sports to build relationships with kids and young people! He is joined by Alexander French from Hampton, Virginia and Rebecca Jackson from Teesside! Together they are impacting loads of children and youth. They are also plowing ground and helping us discover other projects for future Gap Year Vols through Nexus Middlesbrough, which is a tremendous network of youth and kids workers in Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough Blaze is led by Matty Cross-another amazing local Teessider that God has raised up to reinvest in this community! Matty heads up Blaze, a project focused on TS6 which is a specific area in Middlesbrough. He is joined there by Beth Thirwell, a dynamic young lady from TS6 that God has raised up to impact her own community. Together they are impacting young people through schools work, youth clubs, and being present in their community. The gospel is all about being present and God is using them on a daily basis as they endeavor to reshape TS6.

Middlesbrough CNBC Andrew Millington, from Indiana via Liberty University and Emily Pirkl, from Spring, Texas spearhead the youth work at Coulby Newham Baptist Church. They are doing a great job leading "Kudos" each Sunday night! Kudos is a growing youth bible study that meets in The King's Academy. The King's Academy is a very strategic secondary school in Coulby Newham that Andrew and Emily work in four days a week. They are also leading a kids club every Tuesday.

Nunthorpe Youth and Schools Project is led by Ste Corner. Ste is the longtime Youth Worker at Nunthrope St. Mary's Church. He is a gifted Youth Worker with a tremendous passion to reach out to and disciple the youth of Nunthrope. Rachel Jeske is serving alongside Ste and she hails from the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in Belton, Texas. Over the last decade UMHB has been an amazing part of the link between Texas and Teesside! Rachel and Ste are in schools building relationships every week, leading Bible Studies, and running youth and kids clubs for St. Mary's.

Guisborough Project Guisborough is an amazing town! There are some exciting things happening as churches are coming together to impact G'Boro. Cafe Church in Guisborough is always one of the highlights for me each month! Lindsey Villarreal, another Crusader from UMHB is serving a Gap Year in partnership with the Guisborough Bridge. She is doing an amazing job building relationships and serving the churches together. This is another great example of the gospel being present on the streets. Lindsey is shining the light of Christ every week as she serves at coffee mornings, Soup and Roll lunch clubs, youth drop-ins, and weekly bible studies.

The Stockton Project began in September and is led by Josh Willson. Josh is another amazing local lad that God has raised up to give back to his community! The Stockton team consists of Jacob Chase from Cypress, Texas; Angela Edmonds from Newnan, Georgia; Sam Benzing from Ashville, North Carolina, and Sammie Sharp from Ingleby Barwick right here in Teesside! They are also joined by my niece Sarah DuPlantier...not an official Gap Year vol but doing an amazing job as she serves at all the kids clubs! The Stockton team serves in five different schools, four different churches and helps to lead three different kids clubs in the Stockton area! They are tireless workers blazing a new trail and making a huge impact!

Axiom and The Warehouse Project Thad Taylor, Gaz Jackson, and Rachel Holland round out the TVYFC team and they are busy delivering sports ministry and office support to the wider YFC team and to churches across Teesside. Gaz has opened up the Axiom Centre to operate through the winter months to provide a place for young people to come hang out and experience the football cage, skate park and bouncy boxing! Pretty exciting stuff!

As you can see God has given us a great team! We are praying daily for relationships to be built and for salvation to come to the Tees Valley! If you know of anyone that would be interested in joining our team for next year please send them our way! Please continue to pray for us and partner with us as we endeavor to make Him famous in this valley!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on January 24, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

He is Able

IMG_0365"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."Ephesians 3:14-21

God is able. When I read verses like this passage in Ephesians 3 it encourages and inspires me to dream great big dreams for God. What great plans do you have in your heart today? What dreams for 2013 are bubbling up inside of you? What could you accomplish today or this year if you lived each day “filled up to all the fullness of God”? I reckon that is the defining difference in what this year will look like 364 days from today. Will I live this day and the rest of this year consumed with myself or will I yield to the Lord and surrender daily to be filled up to all the fullness of God? God is able…but are you willing to surrender. Surrender means letting go and walking by faith. It is trusting daily that the one who made you and saved you will fill you and use you. Surrender means dying to yourself and your plans and being open to His. Surrender is bowing your knees…it is a mindset of humble obedience. The beauty of surrender is in letting go of our hopes and dreams we replace them with HIS hopes and dreams for our lives. That is exciting! That is when His power is released within us. That is when this journey of being a follower of Christ becomes so much more than a distant religion. It is founded in a relationship with Him and He is able. I would love to hear from you about what God is calling you to this year. Make the most of the days ahead!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on January 1, 2013 and filed under Ministry Related.

A Year In Review—

lakedistictfamily"Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet ; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14

It is both challenging and exciting to look back over the past year. In some ways I hate to see another year pass. Did I focus on the eternal? Did I invest in relationships? Did I walk slowly through the crowd like Jesus did? Did I capture every moment that I could for the Gospel? Was I listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice and promptings? Looking back stings sometimes….because there is so much more to accomplish here in Teesside. Yet in so many ways it has been such an amazing year. We have seen God’s Kingdom advanced in so many areas across The Tees Valley! In the spring, we prayed for ten Gap Year workers and the Lord has given us eleven. Combined they are working in eighteen different schools every week building relationships and sharing the love of Christ as they go. We had ten different teams with a total of 181 people from the USA come across from March to August to serve on short-term mission trips. Their energy was contagious and they blessed this valley with love and compassion! We also hosted our first summer intern group of eight university students. “The A-Team” was amazing! They helped to provide the consistency and sustainability to outreach projects that you cannot achieve from short-term teams coming over. Their presence here was so incredibly valuable! So much so, that we are gearing up for a second team of summer interns. “Team Barnabas” will arrive in May and serve through July. We are now engaged in five different Café Churches with plans to launch a new one in the spring. We have been given twenty additional Gap Year certificates so we are now praying for thirty students to come here and serve across the NE of England for a year in 2013-2014. God seems to be opening doors all around us and it is a blessing to watch His handiwork. He is fashioning something beautiful here in The Tees Valley.

The Vine Church is growing in number and in depth. We have had some incredible families and individuals lock arms to go on a journey of faith with us. Over the last twelve months we have done sermon series on Crazy Love by Francis Chan, The Spiritual Disciplines by Richard Foster, Run the Race from Hebrews 11, and the book of Philippians. We are all feeling the stretch!

One of the highlights for me every week is to meet with the ministers of Stockton and the churches they represent for prayer. There is such a tremendous sense of purpose and unity between us. Together we are praying for a spiritual awakening to sweep across this valley.

If you are taking the time to read this you have likely played a huge part in all that the Lord is doing! Thank you for your support. Thank you for giving. Thank you for holding our family and this ministry up before the Lord in prayer. We are thrilled for all that the Lord has done and is going to do in the days to come. I pray God’s richest blessings over your life in 2013!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on December 30, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.


If you know me at all, you know I love movement. Whether that movement comes in the form of traveling and seeing new places, people, or things. Through sport, specifically football (soccer), a game that is constantly moving from slow jog to full sprint for ninety minutes. Still another form of movement that is harder to keep tabs on is the spiritual movement that takes place in the hearts and lives of people. At times in my life I have seen this mass spiritual movement coming. I remember in high school watching a handful of my friends each begin to go on a journey with God. They began to ask questions, seek to know the truth, and wonder if God was real and if He was did he care about them? Love them? Desire to know and be known by them?

As I look back on this year, I reflect on the word movement. No doubt this year has been difficult. No doubt full of surprises and unexpected twists and turns.

And it is for this reason as I look forward to 2013. I believe a movement has begun in Teesside. No doubt it was already stirring before my family arrived. No doubt people in the UK and across the world had been preparing it before we jumped on a plane across the pond.

And knowing all this I consider it a privilege to simply watch what God has done, is currently doing, and will do in the next twelve months in northeast England.

We have seen God do incredible things through the avenue of our church and many others in the Tees Valley, through Youth For Christ and the people involved, and through UK-USA Ministries as so many faithful people have given their time, prayers and resources to allow young people to hear about Jesus.

In late August we had ten young people aged 18-24 give a year to serving in the local community. Through their work and those that lead them we have been able to invest in a dozen schools on a consistent basis. In addition, they serve in a local church and connect with young people in the estate/neighborhood they live in.

With their incredible efforts we have seen the doors of more schools opened to our work. We currently do not have the capacity to help them all but hope to shortly. This has stretched us in such a way that we are asking God for 20 gap year workers to come for the 2013/14 year. As of yesterday our visa request has been accepted!

This past year also saw a dozen churches come across from the states and serve in the northeast of England. From this we have seen friendships cemented, lives changed, and hearts challenged including a few of them who returned for a Gap Year after seeing the need! With the short term teams’ energy providing us the opportunity for long term relationships with locals we have allowed for 17 churches to come across from March to August in 2013.

We realize we cannot do this on our own so we have also provided an internship for university students to come and serve with us from May-July and are excited by the prospect of help that is on the way.

Each day my family wakes up we simply must say we can’t do this on our own. We never want to go back to a state of comfort. Our prayer is that God would move in the hearts and minds of people in Teesside and that he would move in your life. We pray that God would pull on your heart to love and serve the people around you. We pray that for some of you he would call you out of a comfortable setting and into one of complete reliance upon Him. I’m not going to tell you that it is ever going to be easy, but I will tell you it is worth every second of it.

We are so thankful for all that you have done for us, are currently doing and will do in the future. Know that from the bottom of our heart we love each and every one of you and cannot wait to catch up with you. It has been a wonderful year and as you look into 2013 we urge you to not let it pass you by. Join us in the movement.

To the ends of the earth! Thaddaeus

Posted on December 13, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness I can’t believe its November, and even November is almost halfway over! Time flies when you’re doing what you love; and I do truly love this, with every bit of my heart. I’m actually living in another country, sharing God’s love as best I can every single day. I don’t think it gets much better than that. Also, since its November, I have officially started counting down to Christmas. Without Thanksgiving, the British have pretty much jumped straight to Christmas. I love it. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I think the countdown is 42 days. I apologize for my excessive enthusiasm. This also means that I will be headed to the USA in a little over a month! How exciting is that.

But there is a lot of work and discipleship to be done before then. God has continued to open up so many doors throughout Teeside. My Stockton team has now started working in another school, which brings us up to four, so far. It has been such a blessing that the schools have been so receptive to our work and what we want to achieve. After more than two months of work, I have built so many relationships with students. They look forward to seeing us each week, and I am always excited to see them. We continue to pray for opportunities to share our faith and to be positive influences. I have to say that my favorite kids to work with are the ones that most consider “hard to love.” I know that so many of these kids have been through more than I could imagine at such a young age. I just want to be there in any way I can, even if it is just putting a smile on their face. I love when kids ask me why I came all the way to Stockton. What awesome opportunities to share my story and my faith.

Girls’ bible study continues to be one of the biggest blessings. Last week we were literally overflowing the little lounge that we meet in. We have more than doubled the number of girls that we had when we started. A couple weeks ago, I actually got to teach one of the girls how to navigate a bible, because she had never done it before. That was so humbling. I have taken that for granted, because I have had the privilege of using a Bible since I learned to read. We are growing together as a group and also growing in Christ. So many of the girls have started bringing their friends. One brought a friend that didn’t know much at all about God, and we got to share Him with her.

The weather is starting to get colder as the weeks go on. Nothing unbearable yet, although it did snow one night a few weeks ago, but it didn’t stick. There are very limited hours of daylight. As much as I enjoy watching the sunrise as I get ready for school in the morning, I am not a fan of walking home at 4:30 when the sun has already set. The darkness is a little depressing, but there is still prime time for ministry after the sun goes down! My schedule has been pretty crazy, but I love every second of it. I couldn’t do it without my awesome team and my wonderful host parents. I have been seriously blessed to be surrounded by such great people. They make challenging days so much easier.

I ask for continued prayers as our work has seriously just begun. I have met so many lovely people here, but so many are living without Christ in their hearts. I feel drawn and called to this place more and more every day. Coming here was the best decision I have ever made. My heart is heavy for the people that do not have God’s love. Ephesians 1 verse 18 is my prayer for them, and I hope it will be yours too.

"I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called – his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance." As daylight becomes increasingly scarce, we have a even greater opportunity to shine with a passion for God. We want to be light in the darkness. I pray that people’s hearts will be softened and flooded with light, so they can find that there is something so much greater than what they have right now, and all they have to do is receive the free gift that Christ has offered us. This is a dark place in more ways than one, but Christ can provide a source of everlasting light.

Until next time,

Angela Edmonds

Posted on November 14, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Standing on your shoulders

I am taking a southbound train down to London from Teesside today for some long range planning meetings for UK-USAMinistries. While passing miles and miles of English countryside I am increasingly burdened for this amazing place. Over the last 15 months we have been overwhelmed by the need and also inspired by the potential for the gospel here again. I say “again” because what we are experiencing on a daily basis in ministry here are challenging conversations about the existence of God and the relevance of a relationship with Him. Although the gospel exploded from this place centuries ago...most places that we are engaging in ministry are post-Christian environments by two or three decades. Often, in some of the kids clubs we operate and support, there is no knowledge of who Jesus is or what He did on the cross. Or for that matter how he can bring real hope, joy and change to their lives. The need is tremendous! The exciting part is that this is exactly the scenario that God loves to shine the brightest! The Gospel is the most relevant message ever given. No matter the century or the is timeless and transformational. So because of that life-changing message we are inspired to continue to press on! As I head to my meeting with John Wills, I am also so aware that we are standing on the shoulders of those who have long come before us and those that are helping us to be here today. Without your burden for this place it would not be ours...without your support both in prayer and financially, we could not sustain all that God is initiating. So bless you for your labor of love and your vision for the gospel in the United Kingdom.

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:14-21

This passage is constantly in our thoughts and on our lips. Please join with us in praying this over this extraordinary place and these amazing people!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on October 22, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.