Posts filed under Ministry Related

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness I can’t believe its November, and even November is almost halfway over! Time flies when you’re doing what you love; and I do truly love this, with every bit of my heart. I’m actually living in another country, sharing God’s love as best I can every single day. I don’t think it gets much better than that. Also, since its November, I have officially started counting down to Christmas. Without Thanksgiving, the British have pretty much jumped straight to Christmas. I love it. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I think the countdown is 42 days. I apologize for my excessive enthusiasm. This also means that I will be headed to the USA in a little over a month! How exciting is that.

But there is a lot of work and discipleship to be done before then. God has continued to open up so many doors throughout Teeside. My Stockton team has now started working in another school, which brings us up to four, so far. It has been such a blessing that the schools have been so receptive to our work and what we want to achieve. After more than two months of work, I have built so many relationships with students. They look forward to seeing us each week, and I am always excited to see them. We continue to pray for opportunities to share our faith and to be positive influences. I have to say that my favorite kids to work with are the ones that most consider “hard to love.” I know that so many of these kids have been through more than I could imagine at such a young age. I just want to be there in any way I can, even if it is just putting a smile on their face. I love when kids ask me why I came all the way to Stockton. What awesome opportunities to share my story and my faith.

Girls’ bible study continues to be one of the biggest blessings. Last week we were literally overflowing the little lounge that we meet in. We have more than doubled the number of girls that we had when we started. A couple weeks ago, I actually got to teach one of the girls how to navigate a bible, because she had never done it before. That was so humbling. I have taken that for granted, because I have had the privilege of using a Bible since I learned to read. We are growing together as a group and also growing in Christ. So many of the girls have started bringing their friends. One brought a friend that didn’t know much at all about God, and we got to share Him with her.

The weather is starting to get colder as the weeks go on. Nothing unbearable yet, although it did snow one night a few weeks ago, but it didn’t stick. There are very limited hours of daylight. As much as I enjoy watching the sunrise as I get ready for school in the morning, I am not a fan of walking home at 4:30 when the sun has already set. The darkness is a little depressing, but there is still prime time for ministry after the sun goes down! My schedule has been pretty crazy, but I love every second of it. I couldn’t do it without my awesome team and my wonderful host parents. I have been seriously blessed to be surrounded by such great people. They make challenging days so much easier.

I ask for continued prayers as our work has seriously just begun. I have met so many lovely people here, but so many are living without Christ in their hearts. I feel drawn and called to this place more and more every day. Coming here was the best decision I have ever made. My heart is heavy for the people that do not have God’s love. Ephesians 1 verse 18 is my prayer for them, and I hope it will be yours too.

"I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called – his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance." As daylight becomes increasingly scarce, we have a even greater opportunity to shine with a passion for God. We want to be light in the darkness. I pray that people’s hearts will be softened and flooded with light, so they can find that there is something so much greater than what they have right now, and all they have to do is receive the free gift that Christ has offered us. This is a dark place in more ways than one, but Christ can provide a source of everlasting light.

Until next time,

Angela Edmonds

Posted on November 14, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Standing on your shoulders

I am taking a southbound train down to London from Teesside today for some long range planning meetings for UK-USAMinistries. While passing miles and miles of English countryside I am increasingly burdened for this amazing place. Over the last 15 months we have been overwhelmed by the need and also inspired by the potential for the gospel here again. I say “again” because what we are experiencing on a daily basis in ministry here are challenging conversations about the existence of God and the relevance of a relationship with Him. Although the gospel exploded from this place centuries ago...most places that we are engaging in ministry are post-Christian environments by two or three decades. Often, in some of the kids clubs we operate and support, there is no knowledge of who Jesus is or what He did on the cross. Or for that matter how he can bring real hope, joy and change to their lives. The need is tremendous! The exciting part is that this is exactly the scenario that God loves to shine the brightest! The Gospel is the most relevant message ever given. No matter the century or the is timeless and transformational. So because of that life-changing message we are inspired to continue to press on! As I head to my meeting with John Wills, I am also so aware that we are standing on the shoulders of those who have long come before us and those that are helping us to be here today. Without your burden for this place it would not be ours...without your support both in prayer and financially, we could not sustain all that God is initiating. So bless you for your labor of love and your vision for the gospel in the United Kingdom.

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:14-21

This passage is constantly in our thoughts and on our lips. Please join with us in praying this over this extraordinary place and these amazing people!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on October 22, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Cafe Church Update--

Cafe Church has kicked off to a great start across The Tees Valley! We have had some amazing gatherings through September and the first part of October! This last Tuesday in Guisborough we had over 70 people attend. Lindsey Villarreal, our Gap Year worker in Guisborough spoke and did an outstanding job! Hebrews 10:23-25 says "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." I love this passage of Scripture! It is what I see Cafe Church doing all across this valley. We are creating space for people to come together to worship in an environment that is casual and so engaging. It is stirring up groups of people and giving them great courage to live out their faith. It is inspiring them to reach out to their communities through love and good works. On top of all of that it is just plain fun! There are currently 4 Cafe Churches that we are a part of each month and we are launching a 5th one next Tuesday night on Stockton High Street at Cafe Nero. Here is the line up so you can join with us by praying for Cafe Church every Tuesday and the 2nd Wednesday of each month! CAFE CHURCH LINE UP-- 1st Tuesday Stokesley Cafe Church at Costa 2nd Tuesday Yarm Cafe Church at Costa 3rd Tuesday Guiborough Cafe Church at Costa 4th Tuesday Stockton Cafe Church at Cafe Nero ***New this week! 2nd Wednesday Norton Cafe Church at Kings Coffee

Please pray that Christian young people will feel inspired each week and that they will be encouraged to live out their faith at school. Pray that they will see Cafe Church each week as an opportunity to bring their unbelieving friends to hear from God's word and about the claims of Christ. Pray that Cafe Church will help more churches come together and that we will continue to see a unity among believers all across The Tees Valley! Pray...Pray...Pray...He is at work!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on October 18, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Revelation 3:14-21 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Are you living in Laodicea? Has the fire that once burned bright slowly gone dim? Lately I have been thinking a lot about the value of connection. Being rightly connected to God is vital if we are going to experience the fullness of who He is in our lives and express His presence and power in a lost dark world. This passage of scripture is so challenging to me. It speaks to an area of self sufficiency that I think we all find ourselves facing on a daily basis. Am I living in my own power and strength; my own resources and my own abilities or am I inviting Jesus to enter into my “home” and be present in every “room” in my life? There is an amazing picture in St Paul’s Cathedral in London called “The Light of the World” by William Holman Hunt. If you look closely you can see weeds growing in front of and around the door. Indicating the door has not been moved in a while. The door in the painting has no handle, and can therefore be opened only from the inside, representing "the obstinately shut mind". We must open the door and invite Him in to have His way. Are you constantly living in connection? “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20 What an invitation from King Jesus…I am here…why don’t we sit down for a meal together? Let me into your life and home and family…let’s connect…and in so doing you will experience the fervor that comes from experiencing a candlelight dinner with the Lord Jesus in the innermost room in your heart! Connect with Him today!

In HIS JOY, Mike

Posted on September 13, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

The Desert

Tonight is the night. It’s the night that I couldn’t wait for 12 months ago. It has become the night that I’ve dreaded for the past 11 months. It’s my last night in the UK. I am sitting in my British room for the last time. I can’t believe this is the end. It is shocking to realize how quickly time passes. I can remember like it was yesterday writing a blog the night before we left for this country almost one year ago. I really can’t express how much I love this place and the people of this great nation. There have been so many memories and moments that I will never forget… so many incidents of God’s great faithfulness and provision in my life and the life of my family. I honestly cannot believe it’s over. I know the next adventure at Uni is going to be incredible…but I have loved this adventure so so much that it’s a hard to let go and move on. When I left England in 2010 after living here for 5 ½ months, I was leaving to go home to America. Now I’m leaving home and going to America. If I could only describe the strange feeling in my heart! There has never been anything like it before. Earlier this year, I was hesitating if going to Liberty University was really the will of God for my life. The harvest is so plentiful here and this place needs Jesus desperately. Was it really the will of God for me to go sit in a classroom surrounded by plenty of other believers and have fun and learn some good things for three whole years? Is that not selfish to go and study for myself while people are dying without knowing Jesus even as I write this? I want to be in the fight. I don’t want to waste any time.

But I’m not studying for myself. I’m not going to run from the mission field. I’m going to University for the same reason Paul went to the desert after his Damascus Road experience (Galatians 1:15-18). I'm sure when Paul was in the desert for three years, he experienced growth. I'm sure he was deepened, challenged and prepared for the task that the LORD Jesus had set apart for him. There is no doubt in my mind that he was sharpened and molded so he would be ready to wage the war he would be fighting until he took his last breath on this earth. In the same way, I’m going to Uni to be sharpened in my theology, to be challenged even more in my faith, to fully comprehend my beliefs and opinions and why I believe them (not because my parents and siblings believe them). I don’t want to lead people astray in my teaching. I want to use the brain God has given me to further His kingdom.

So, I’m going to go. I’m going to learn. I’m going to study, (hopefully… hah. Just kidding, I will Mum!) I’m going to be challenged and deepened in my walk with Jesus, I’m going to make life long friend and memories, and then I’m going back out. I refuse to slip back into comfort. I will not have it. I have tasted and seen that the LORD is good and not even endless Chickfila, Forever 21 giftcards, JCrew outlets or even tan skin will change my heart for the nations and making my Saviour famous among them. I loathe the thought of the American dream. People don’t know what they are missing!

I’m trying not to be sentimental (i know i know...this skin and bones is a rental)… but it’s just not working quite like I want it to. I am so overwhelmed with emotions! We just wept on Monday night as we prayed together for the last time. I’m so thankful to God for this past year and all that has been changed in me and all that God has done through me. I am so blessed to have experienced this past year. I’m so thankful to have witnessed all the things I witness and be apart of God’s plan for the revival in the northeast of England and the United Kingdom. My heart is so engulfed with love for these people and this place. It is hard for me to understand how I’m going to do day-to-day life without the leadership of my amazing earthly father, the encouragement of my precious mum, the friendship of my oldest brother and the laughter I get from my youngest brother. I still can’t comprehend that I’m going to be on a plane in a few short hours. The bright side to all of this is that I’m going to be in the same country as my beloved sister in 24 hours. I have missed her more than I could ever describe. Although we will be 14 hours apart, it will still be much better than oceans apart. This all just feels too surreal.

Pray for strength please. Pray for the courage to withstand the temptations of the enemy as I step back into life in the States. I can already sense the strength that God is giving me solely because I am not weeping as I write this blog. A few months ago, maybe even days ago, I would burst into tears at the thought of leaving. But I know that everything is going to be ok. God knows what I need… and I will trust Him. Even when it means leaving your adopted homeland and part of your family… I will do it. With joy I will do it expecting great things from God and attempting great things for Him. He will be with me and I will not fear. I’ve still got mountains to climb on my own. Do you love me enough to let me go?

It’s time to go to the desert.

To the ends of the earth,

-Hannah Elizabeth Taylor

Posted on July 24, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Summer 2012!

Luke 10:1-3 "After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3 Go!" Wow! We have had an amazing summer so far here in the Tees Valley! Since March we have hosted 10 different mission teams with over 162 people coming to serve and lock arms with Tees Valley Youth for Christ and UK-USA Ministries! They have literally reached out to thousands of children and young people all across Teesside. Most of the teams have served in the England public schools leading assemblies, teaching Religious Education classes, and in some cases we even taught line dancing!!! Way too much fun! Most of the schools have allowed our teams to share their stories of faith in Christ and offer up a time for the English students to ask them questions. It is astounding the freedom we have to share Christ and the hope we have in knowing Him! They have also engaged in outreach through sports, mobile skate parks and cafe churches. It seems that with each team that comes over we find more and more doors opening for the gospel. We have one more team coming over to help us with Olympic outreach the last week of July and then we will turn our eyes to Autumn and then on to 2013! As busy as it has been and utterly exhausting at times...I am refreshed by His presence and how He is working and moving in this community! I sense that we are on the verge of a breakthrough in some areas. Let me give you a quick glimpse of one little community we have been working in the last two months. Thornaby is a challenging place to say the least. We began serving there in May. I believe that as Christians we are bearers of the gospel and the only way to see change is to be present. So we began arriving at Victoria Park to hang out and play games and just be present. We  played and prayed our way around the park and kids started showing up from every direction. We invited them to the "Wild Wild West Club" that was starting there in a few weeks and they were so excited! FBC Texarkana joined us on a ministry project June 8-16 in conjunction with Thornaby Baptist Church and we had 125 children attend the Wild Wild West Kidz Club throughout the week to sing, dance, play games and talk about Jesus! It was a tremendous week. We continue to have Kidz Club at Victoria Park each Wednesday and this last week 28 children went to church on Sunday at Thornaby Baptist Church! That is Amazing!! The Kingdom of God is advancing! But there is so much more to do! Thanks for partnering with us and helping us fulfill the call of God on our lives to reach out to the NE of England! #prayforengland



Posted on July 17, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Introducing Cody & Lauren Finch

It is my great privilege to introduce to you Cody and Lauren Finch! Throughout this Spring they have been praying about joining the UK-USA Ministries team in the North East of England! We are so excited to announce that they feel called to come over and begin serving here as missionaries in June of 2013! They will spend the next 12 months praying, planning, preparing, securing visas,  and raising their financial support. During that time Lauren will complete her degree from East Texas Baptist University and they will join us here sometime next Summer. These are exciting days! We have been praying for God to raise up University students and young adults to come give their lives away to reach the children, youth, students, and families here in the Tees Valley. Cody and Lauren are answering that call! As you read their stories below please commit to pray for them as they begin this step of faith! It is a tremendous sacrifice to leave family and friends to move 5000 miles from home. While you are praying for them...please pray that God will call out more. Pray that He will raise up others who will forsake the American Dream for God's great Gospel Dream. I believe that God is going to do something unexplainable in this community. Doors for the Gospel are opening up all over Teesside. Every day it seems like we have another school open up or a new opportunity! We need laborers! Help us spread the word....we need the best of the best of the best to come here and serve a year or more.We need them to come and invest relationally and live their lives giving themselves away! Matthew's Gospel says "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest  is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38 As you read Cody and Lauren's Bios please begin now to pray for them. Please prayerfully consider supporting them on their journey. You can give to help support them by sending a check to UK-USA Ministries PO Box 11555 Spring, Texas 77391 Please designate on the memo line of your check that this is support for Cody and Lauren. As the Lord leads you please continue to prayerfully support the ongoing work of UK-USA Ministries.

These are exciting days!


Mike Taylor

Cody Finch Bio

Cody Michael Finch was born in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1987. He grew up in Lakeside City and graduated from Holliday High School. Cody was named to the All-State baseball team after his senior year in High School. After graduation, Cody spent time at the University of Arkansas and McLennan Community College. In the fall of 2007, he became a part of the East Texas Baptist University football team. While at ETBU, Cody was a four year starter letterman, served on the football leadership team, FCA leadership team and was named team captain, lead the ETBU football Bible study, and his senior year received ASC Sportsmanship Player of the Year award. Cody graduated in May of 2011 with his undergraduate degree in Speech Communication with a minor in Kinesiology. Currently, he serves as an Admissions Counselor for ETBU.

The summer of 2011 Cody married his best friend, Lauren Finch. While Lauren finishes college, they continue to minister on campus as individuals and as a couple.

Even though Cody grew up in church, he did not come to know the Lord as his personal Savior until the summer of his eighth grade year. He committed his life fully to Christ at summer camp with First Baptist Church of Wichita Falls. Cody's journey has been a story of the Lord’s forgiveness and grace. His path wasn’t a straight arrow, but the Lord used everything about his story for His glory. In utilizing his speech communication degree and love for the Lord, Cody has had opportunities to speak to multiple groups which include: the Faculty and Staff of ETBU, multiple youth groups, sports teams and through the Chapel service to the ETBU student body. Cody has a passion for showing people that Jesus Christ is full of grace and wants to love them for who they are now. He also has an enthusiasm about sports and clear communication. Cody is excited to use the passions the Lord has placed in his heart to reach people in England for Jesus Christ as he partners with UK-USA Ministries and joining the UK-USA Ministries team in May of 2013.

Lauren Finch Bio

            Lauren Allison Finch was born in Houston, Texas in 1991. Lauren graduated from Klein Oak High School in 2009 and was involved in many activities including being a dulos (leadership/discipleship position), and a 3 year starter in soccer, where she attained All-District honors. She followed her dream of playing collegiate soccer to East Texas Baptist University where she was a two year letterman and was named to the ASC All-Conference team both years. As an ETBU Cheerleader, she received the honor of being named Rookie of the Year. Lauren will graduate in May of 2013 with her undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Religion.

The summer before her junior year Lauren married her best friend, Cody Finch. She felt the Lord leading her to commit to being a Godly wife, so she decided to step down from the soccer team to devote her time to having a marriage that honors the Lord.

Lauren’s walk with the Lord is a story of His faithfulness. Lauren came to know the Lord in the seventh grade at 13 years old. Since then, Lauren has walked faithfully close to the Father while He has continued to show her how faithful He is no matter the circumstances presented to her by this world. The Lord brought Lauren to a verse in Ephesians that says to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling of Christ” and it has become her life goal to continue that calling. Lauren has been blessed with the privilege to lead Bible studies on her soccer and cheerleading teams, as well as be a summer camp leader, D-Now leader, and have Bible studies to help keep younger girls accountable in their walk with Christ. The Lord has given Lauren a passion to reach girls for Christ and be an encourager in their journey. Lauren will be able to use her gift by partnering with UK-USA Ministries and joining the UK-USA Ministries team in May of 2013.

Posted on May 29, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

The Harvest is Plentiful

As I write this blog, I am reminiscing on my day of experiencing real-life proof that England is not always cold and rainy. I surveyed the sky this afternoon and can honestly say that I did not see one fluffy cloud in this baby blue sky. God has definitely blessed us the past few days with amazing weather… but we’ve reminded the new comers that although it’s gloriously lovely outside today, this is certainly not how it is all the time!!! Our English bungalow on Birkdale Road is officially an American mad house. We have twelve, (soon to be thirteen) people scattered throughout our 5 rooms. As crazy as it may sound, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s incredible how refreshing it feels already to be engulfed by a new wave of passionate followers of Christ. I am so excited for what this summer holds and I already know that God is going to move powerfully in Teesside and beyond. The majority of the students living with us for the time being are Shelby’s friends from the University of Arkansas. It’s a blessing to see the fruit of her friendships and the ripple effect that she has begun all the way across the pond. It’s a vivid reminder of her enormous impact on the ministry that’s happening here. Only eternity will reveal how many came to know Christ through her spiritual heritage and the friendships that led so many to this country! For the past few days, John 4:35 has been replaying in my mind… “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” Wherever our group has gone, whether it be the neighborhood park, an ice cream shop, or a hike on Roseberry Topping, we have come into contact with kids, teenagers and parents who are so eager to know why us americans have chosen to spend their summer (or perhaps a few years) in Teesside - of all places! They are so confused at us, yet so giddy to be talking to us. So many are anxious to come to the sports clubs we are putting on during the week. They are so eager to ask questions. What these kids need is for someone to look in their eyes and with honest sincerity tell them that someone cares, that they are loved, that there is glorious hope that can only be found in Jesus.. not to mention the love that is found in being His child and the peace/comfort/exuberant joy that I have with knowing Him!!!! Please pray for an abundance of those conversations in the coming weeks. Pray for boldness and strength. Pray for closeness within our group. Pray that the peace of God will rule our hearts and that we would be known by our love. The fields are white! I have faith that God has been preparing the hearts of these people long before my family and I came to this nation. We know that God can save these people and the awesome thing about it is that He wants to use US. The Creator of the mountains and deep blue oceans, the one who hung the stars in the sky and the beautiful moon that I’m looking at in this moment, the one who formed the foundations of the world, the one who breathed life into my very lungs, the one who designed each unique fingerprint, the one who suffered and died on a cross for me so that I could have hope, come to know Him and tell the nations about Him. Luke 10:2 says, “And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” We have been praying for months that the Lord of the harvest would sent out laborers to the fields… and indeed, he is answering our plea. We are praying for revival in this nation once again… will you please pray with us? To the ends of the earth,

Hannah Elizabeth Taylor

Posted on May 28, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

UK-USA Ministries summer interns are here!

It has been a very eventful week for UK-USA Ministries here in the Tees Valley! The weather has been gorgeous so everybody has a spring in their step. @Birkdalehouse (yes, follow our house on Twitter!) is jam-packed with 7 University students who began arriving last Saturday! We have one more arriving next weekend to make our first intern team complete! (We have affectionately dubbed them the "A~Team" for alpha!) We are so excited to have them here with us because they create a crowd and a buzz everywhere they go! Throughout the summer we will be posting some of their thoughts of life and ministry in England on our site so I thought I would give you a quick glimpse of each one of them. I included their blog links so you can see pictures and read about life here in the UK through their eyes! Chris Lopez is a graduate of Liberty University and comes to us from Spring, Texas.

Sterling Montes is a student at Westmont College and comes to us from The Woodlands, Texas.

Jason Polley is a student at The University of Arkansas and comes to us from Rogers, Arkansas.

Nick Walton is a student at The University of Arkansas and comes to us from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Laura Gassaway is a graduate of The University of Oklahoma and come to us from The Woodlands, Texas.

Savannah Ellis is a student at Belmont University and come to us from Nashville, Tennessee.

Elaina Blando is a student at The University of Arkansas and come to us from Kansas City, Kansas.

Miriam Poole is a student at The University of Arkansas and comes to us from Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

They are an amazing group of students full of life and so passionate about the gospel and God's call on their lives to be here this summer! Throughout each week they will be serving in five different communities as well as helping out in several one time projects. Each Tuesday evening we will be in Ingleby Barwick, Wednesday nights we will be in Thornaby, Thursday nights we will be in Billingham, Saturday afternoons we will be in Preston Park, and  Sunday evenings we will be in Ropner Park! They will also be helping out at Cafe Church on Tuesday nights and other local church youth group events! So their schedules will be jam packed! To start things off  this week we climbed to the top of Lord Stones Wednesday night as the sun was setting. Lord Stones is one of the higher points in the Cleveland Hills that overlooks the Tees Valley and one of my favorite places to climb and listen to God as the wind rushes across the top.  I wanted them to see the vastness of the valley and to catch a glimpse of the area they will be working in all summer. We closed out our time at Lord Stones with an amazing time of prayer together. As we prayed, darkness fell over the valley and the lights of each village and town below us began to sparkle. Chris Lopez read these words from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5:13-16~

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Powerful imagery and a great reminder of all that we want to be here in this place. We are all called to be light in a place shrouded in darkness! We are praying that this summer people will be drawn to the Light as we are out in the community hosting sports camps, serving those in need, and teaching God's Word in schools, youth groups, and home bible studies! As often as you think of us, please pray for the "A~Team" and UK-USA Ministries!







Posted on May 26, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.


It has been a fast and furious two weeks! We have driven over 2,129 miles and along the way we have had such a great time reconnecting with so many amazing people! It has been a privilege to preach God's word and share our story. It has been so fun to be here...but we are ready to go to our home back across the pond. Our heart is for the ministry in Teesside and the United Kingdom! We are passionate about what the Lord is doing and what He is going to do in the days to come! It has always been our prayer that God would stir this generation in the United Kingdom. That He would start something of significance that individuals and entire communities would be changed. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14-15 Please join us in praying for an awakening! Our confidence rests in Jesus and His finished work on the cross and victory over death and the grave. I love these lyrics by Matt Maher "Christ is risen from the dead trampling over death by death come awake, come awake! Come and rise up from the grave. Christ is risen from the dead; We are one with him again come awake, come awake! Come and rise up from the grave! Oh death! Where is your sting? Oh hell! Where is your victory? Oh Church! Come stand in the light! The glory of God has defeated the night!" We believe that God's will for the United Kingdom is an awakening. We are praying that the body of Christ in the United Kingdom will be awakened...that HIS church will stand together in unity and shine brightly again. We believe that as the church comes awake and shines brightly that people will be drawn to the light of God's amazing love and grace. Awakening in the church is the prelude to salvation and revival! So please join with us and continue to #prayforengland. The eyes of the world will be focused on the London Olympics from now until the end of August. Every time you hear or read or see anything about the Olympics please pause and #prayforengland. Pray for us in the NE of England and our labor of love there. As we leave here our hearts are full of gratitude for so many who have spoken words of encouragement to us and prayers over us. We are blessed to have you in our lives and believe that God is sending us through you! Check out this short video for a quick look at Teesside and the surrounding area! It is a beautiful place...come join us!

In His Joy,


Posted on May 2, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Across the Pond

Kookie and I are excited to be coming across to the States this next week! It will be great to see family and friends again that we have not seen since our arrival here in Teesside back in September. So many folks have come together to encourage, support and pray for us. We would love to be able to spend time in each living room of every partner we have in this ministry. Unfortunately timing and schedule will not allow us to see everyone. Over the next two weeks we will be sharing the vision of UK-USA Ministries in churches and meetings in Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Texas and Arkansas . We will also be having two thank you gatherings. The first one is in Houston on April 28th and another in Dallas on Sunday evening April 29th. Both of those gatherings are open events on facebook that you can access for times and locations.  A detailed list of speaking engagements and meetings are listed below. We would be honored if you can join us anywhere along the journey. Our prayer is that the Lord will use us to cast wide the vision for ministry in England. We believe that the harvest is white and that the time is now for God to move and change this generation in the United Kingdom. We believe that the soil has been prepared and worked by laborers before us and that we can definitely see signs of spiritual fruit beginning to blossom! We are praying for partnering churches and individuals. We are believing God for ten new gap year workers to work in partnership with Tees Valley Youth for Christ and local churches and ministries for 2012-2013. We are praying for twelve churches to come into full partnership with UK-USA Ministries to help fund youth work and future church planting. We are praying that God will burden the gatekeepers of ministries across the USA to see the opportunity for the gospel in a post christian United Kingdom.  We are praying Romans 10:15 "And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”" We are praying that God will "call out the called" as we journey these next two weeks! In HIS JOY,


Contact while in the USA: Phone- 832-723-2357; Email-; Skype- michaelstaylor85


April 18 Speaking at Faith Baptist  3755 N. Germantown Rd Bartlett, Tennessee

April 19-21 Speaking at Getwell Road UMC  7875 Getwell Road Southaven, Mississippi

April 22-26 Metro Youth Ministers Conference Destin, Florida

April 27 Prospective Gap Year Workers Meeting Houston, Texas

April 28 Thank You Gathering from 5:00-7:00pm at Jim and Rebecca Patterson's Spring, Texas

April 29 Speaking at Grace Fellowship  at 9:30 and 11:00am  2964 West Highway 114, Paradise, Texas

April 29 Thank You Gathering from 6:00-7:30pm  at David and Carol Vanderslice 7206 Gorham Drive, Garland, Texas

May 1 Prospective Gap Year Workers Meeting in Fayetteville, Arkansas

May 2 Open Date to Speak in Northwest Arkansas


Posted on April 14, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Camp of Champions in Eaglescliffe!

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 We simply had an amazing week with Camp of Champions in Eaglescliffe last week!  We had over 140 children and 45 young people attend camp through the whole week. The team of 26 youth and adults from Liberty Baptist in Hampton, Virginia did a fantastic job engaging the community and building relationships with the campers! Each day we did four rotations of team recreation where we played sports and crazy games. We also built in a spiritual team time where we taught a lesson from the Bible. During team time each day the students from Liberty shared their stories of faith in Christ! That personal connection and developing relationships through the week was a dynamic combination! The Lord moved powerfully and several children and young people turned to Christ in salvation!  It was an outstanding week and lives where changed for eternity.

Another aspect of the week that was fantastic was seeing churches and organizations partnering together to impact the community. The staff and volunteers from All Saints Church in Eaglescliffe did an amazing job helping us put things together and facilitate the week. Two of the days the weather pushed us indoors and they rearranged schedules and events to allow us to fill the place with children and youth! Wednesday night we had a kids' pizza party and a youth pizza party that packed out the place with children, youth and parents. They provided meals, coffee, and tea for our team and for the parents of children who attended camp! The Vine Church and All Saints served as host homes for Team USA. Twelve different families provided great meals, transportation, cross-cultural experiences, and a place to get a good night's rest! Liberty Baptist in Hampton, Virginia provided 26 fired up and enthusiastic youth to reach out to the community! I think God smiles when we come together as a TEAM! There is a spirit of unity taking shape in Teesside and I believe God loves it when His church comes together as one to touch a community! Special thanks to Thaddaeus Taylor, Julia Powell, Gaz Jackson, Tim Wye-Williams, John and Kathryn Belmont, Theresa Brentnall, Kev Clark, and Iwan Matheson for all their hard work in organization and administration! You guys are the dream team and I am really looking forward to doing it again this summer! 




Posted on April 8, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Praying for England

The countryside of England is absolutely charming! My first glimpses from the train were of yellow daffodils and lush green pastures with grazing sheep. I immediately thought of how the LORD was There and had prepared the soil rich and ready to produce a crop! In preparation for our trip we studied, planned and prayed much but I could not have known until my feet were on the ground how the LORD was working in this community. And the great need for the gospel to be shared.

As soon as we began talking with the students at The King's Academy, I was so aware that the LORD had been preparing many of their hearts. As one of our students passionately shared about his faith in Jesus Christ, one of our new British friends commented that he admired that kind of faith and would love to have it for himself. I sensed many of this young generation open to and even searching for answers. On our last day in the Academy an 18year old student of Islamic faith came to us tearful and searching to understand more about the Bible and who Jesus is. She had been trying all week to work up the courage to come and talk with us.

Several of our American students gave their personal Bibles with life changing verses highlighted and notes in the margin, showing the Bible as more than a history or text book but a guide that they live by. We received a message from one young man who was seeking to understand, he told of how the highlighted verses in the Psalms were really helping him. God's Word is powerful and never returns void!

It seems they are eager to hear and listen intently to our personal stories about walking with the LORD Jesus. God is at work in England...I heard of a woman here who has been praying to God for 30 years for revival of His people...I believe we are seeing God answer her prayers now!

Praying for England~

Raye Anne Edmonds

CFBC Sponsor


Posted on March 21, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Forward Motion

Forward Motion “12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 3:12-14

Learning to drive in England has been interesting! I have already had two flat tires due largely to the fact that I am not used to driving on the left side of the road and hit the curb with my front left tire! One thing I have discovered about driving in England is that I love roundabouts! I love the fact that you don’t have to stop if there is no one coming! That is forward motion!

Forward Motion defined is “the act of moving forward (as toward a goal).” Movement. I think of Philippians 3 when I think of forward motion. “Press on to take hold of that which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” “Press on” is like stepping on the accelerator to create forward motion!! God is definitely on the move. I can feel the forward motion. I am beginning to sense that we are gaining some momentum. We have just finished a week of ministry here that has left us fatigued but encouraged and inspired! Three different teams from the USA impacted three different schools and communities and helped advance the kingdom! Momentum gained!

The key to momentum is sustaining it once you have it! How do you do that? Often times I think we try to manage and manipulate momentum. You cannot manufacture Holy Spirit momentum... but you can press into it. You can press the accelerator. How? I think the key is taking hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of you! Momentum and forward motion come as you abandon yourself to God’s plan for your life... giving yourself to God’s best for your life. What part are you going to play?

God has uniquely gifted and wired you for something. What is it? Press into what God has for you and experience the forward motion that obedience brings.

In His Joy,


Posted on March 17, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.

Pray for Stokesley and Great Ayton!

Cafe Church in Stokesley last Tuesday evening was simply amazing! We had just over 80 people attend and over 60 were young people! Special thanks to Neil Harris, the YFC project director for Stokesley school; Jaime Smyth, our Gap Year worker in the Stokesley school project; Anthony Laffan, the Religious Education Teacher at Stokesley school and Amy Burns, the new YFC Coordinator for Cafe Church!!! It was a great night and another great gathering for young people to talk about the truth of God's Word! These are good days!!! As I write this there is an American team from Heritage Park Baptist Church flying from Houston to spend a week in the Stokesley Schools! So we have a real chance to build on the momentum of all that the Lord is doing! So please join me as we pray for the young people of Stokesley and Great Ayton that they will be drawn to the Jesus that they are seeing and hearing about at school and coffee Bible studies and youth groups gatherings. Pray that God will continue to stir things up. Pray for tender hearts. Pray for salvation to come. Pray that there will be questions. Pray that answers will draw people into truth. Pray for life change. Pray that we will see the birth of a movement that changes these two communities! Pray Pray Pray! God is on the move in Stokesley and Great Ayton! In HIS JOY,


Posted on March 9, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.


God is up to some great things in Guisborough! There is a real excitement about all that the Lord is doing. Cafe Church has been amazing every time we have come together. Carlos Valesquez, who is serving as a GAP Year youth worker there, has had a tremendous impact. I must say one of the most exciting things is that churches are coming together in unity. When that happens, I think God smiles! When the body of Christ unites under the banner of the gospel and God's crazy love it is an unstoppable force. We have a team from Getwell Road Methodist Church in South Haven, Mississippi coming to serve alongside UK-USA Ministries and the churches of Guisborough the week of March 10-17! They will be speaking in the schools throughout the week, hosting and leading Cafe Church, using "The Cage" for sports outreach on Monday and Friday night, ministering to the elderly, doing acts of kindness through out the town such as picking up litter and bagging groceries, leading Bible Studies- all with the view to share the love of Jesus and the hope that they have found in HIM! Please join with me and pray for God to work powerfully through this group of young people and adults! God is definitely up to something in Guisborough...the exciting thing is that we get to join Him there and be used by HIM! In HIS JOY,


Posted on March 3, 2012 and filed under Ministry Related.