On a sunny Wednesday morning at approximately 10:47 a.m., I was on my normal jog around the village of Hartburn when I saw in front of me an older man walking his German Shepherd. I had been listening to a John Piper podcast and decided that I should probably live out what John was preaching and what Scriptures tell us to do every time we read them… that is, to be proclaimers of the Gospel of God. So as I jogged closer to this man and his dog, I began fighting an internal battle. Over the course of about 7 seconds, a hundred thoughts ran through my head.
“I shouldn’t talk to him, he’s old and he’s walking in a funny way. He could be scary.”
“No Han, you need to talk to him. What are you living for anyway?”
“Hannah it’s ok. You don’t have time, you have too much school to get done and you’re stomach is growling. Just run home and eat an apple, read your theology book and don’t worry about it. If God wants him to be saved, He will have someone else talk to him.”
“Hannah Elizabeth Taylor. Stop your feet right now and tell this man about Jesus. You might be the ‘someone else’ that God is waiting to use.”
So I listened to the Holy Spirit in me and my feet stopped. The earphones came out of my earlobes and my mouth opened.
Hoping not to frighten the old fellow, I gently asked “Excuse me Sir, do you think I could ask you a few questions?” He said, “Oh, hello. Yes, of course you may.” So I started with, “What do you believe about God?” The man said, “Well that’s simple. I don’t believe in Him!” I asked him if he had any specific reasons and he said, “How can someone believe in a God that lets so many bad things happen on earth? How can you believe in a God who created so much evil and violence and horror?” He told me that he admires people who go to different countries and do nice things for people, like helping orphans and the poor and giving money to charities, etc. He said, “I think those people are better than God. At least they are helping people rather than causing them so much pain and sadness.” (I silently asked God to forgive him for the words he was speaking. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying.)
It was quite ironic that the problem of evil was his reason. All week last week in my theology class, we had been going over the problem of evil and why there is sin in the world and how can we believe in an all-loving, all-powerful, wholly benevolent, omnipotent God when there is so much evil happening all across our planet.
So I tried to explain how God has given humans free will, and we have chosen to abuse it. I told him how we all have a nature of sin because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the garden. I explained how we, as humans, have the freedom to choose right from wrong and too many people choose wrong. That’s why there is so much moral evil.
I then asked the man if he has a wife, he said yes. I asked him if he has kids, he said yes to that as well. Then I asked if his kids love him, and he said yes again. I asked if he forced his kids to love him, and he said “No, of course not.” I explained that in His sovereignty, God chose to create people with a free will rather than creating people who would be forced to love Him, forced to serve, worship and adore Him, forced to do good, forced to be nice, etc. That is what you would call a religious robot. Love wouldn’t be genuine if it were forced. Doing good things wouldn’t be genuine if we were forced to do them. So, in God’s perfect wisdom, with the knowledge that some would abuse the freedom He so lovingly gave, He saw fit to give us freedom to make our own decisions. And we messed it up.
I asked if his wife and kids believe in God, and he told me that his wife doesn’t and out of his four kids, only one of his sons believes in God. In his own words, “He is very much into all that religious rubbish that you’re talking about. He tells me that God does everything for His plan, and if that’s the case, God’s plan is stupid.” I gently said that just because we can’t understand His plan sometimes doesn’t make it stupid. His way is above us and He can do whatever He wants. (Psalm 115:3) He said that he chose to raise his kids without religion or politics; he didn’t want to influence them in any way. “It’s not right to be influenced”, he told me. (?)
Forgetting that I hadn’t even introduced myself, I told him my name and asked what his was. His name is Alan.
Hoping to keep the conversation going I asked, “Alan, did your parents believe in God?”
“My mum did. She would take me to sunday school all the time but then I got to the point where I just didn’t believe.”
I told him that I grew up in a christian home and went to sunday school every week, but there came a point where I had to make a decision about what I believed too. It wasn’t the faith of my parents that saved me and changed my heart. It’s the graciousness and power of God.
I told him how my grandfather became a believer two months before he died, at the age of 90. I said that I really believe my grandfather is in heaven and I’m going to see him again someday. Alan said he believes heaven is a myth. “It was just invented by some pope. The same one who came up with Purgatory.” I told him that Purgatory is just a load of rubbish. He laughed. (We finally agreed on something!!)
I asked Alan how he thought the world came to be. He believes that the universe just happened at a random chance. “It’s just a complete accident and we’ve learned to evolve and adapt to our surroundings.” He said, The world is very beautiful, but I don’t believe that God created it. I will never believe in God. I will never go to church. I just won’t.”
I looked at Alan’s weary old eyes and with all my might tried to tell Him that Jesus really is who He says He is. He’s in me! I know Him! This isn’t a joke!! It’s not some story! This is real. He’s alive. It’s happening in my heart and overflowing all over my life!! I told him that I want him to know what I know and believe me when I say that I know God. I’m not a fool. (ok, most of the time I am) but I’m convinced that Jesus lived a perfect life on this earth. He never did one thing wrong and then he was killed. He was crucified on a cross because of us; because He loves us with such a great love that He was willing to be spit upon and beaten and tortured so that WE could have a way to God. So that we wouldn’t have to experience eternal death. He took our place. We deserve death, but He died FOR us. and then He rose from the dead. He defeated death so that that Hannah could be saved. So that Alan could be saved. So that the person reading this could be saved. The veil is torn. He made a way for us. I told Alan that all that I’m saying is true. It’s real. I told him that I want him so badly to believe.
He just nodded the whole time. I explained how my family and I moved here to this country for this very reason- to tell people like him about the One who saved us. And then I said, “You probably think I’m a fool, but that’s really okay with me. I just want you to hear the truth.” Alan said, “I think you are a lovely person and I admire your dedication to your beliefs, I just don’t understand anything you are saying.” (1 Corinthians 2:14?)
I asked him if he had a bible and he said he did. I begged him to just open it up today and just read one chapter of it. Just crack it open up read it. He just looked at me.
He didn’t say much else except, “I’m sorry we couldn’t agree.” I said, “Please know that I’m going to be praying for you. I want you to know Jesus.” He said, “Thank you. Good-bye now!” And then we parted ways.
60+ years of rejecting God. 60+ years of hopelessness. 60+ years of wondering. 60+ years of influence. 60+ years of stubbornness. 60+ years of blindness. 60+ years of lies.
And this is only one man’s life. I can’t even fathom how many share his false beliefs throughout this country, not to mention the world.
Please pray for Alan. Pray that our conversation will be like an annoying song that he can’t get out of his head no matter how hard he tries. Pray that his eyes would be opened to the light of the Gospel so that he may experience the hope and the peace and the joy that we experience. Please pray for England/the lost in general.
2 Corinthians 4:4-5
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
Acts 26:18
“…to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”
To the ends of the earth-- Hannah Elizabeth Taylor