Why are you Going?

When I arrived in England two years ago I was full of excitement and expectation, while at the same time not really knowing what to expect. I had gone on several short term mission trips before, and so I was used to travelling. I had experienced the feeling of discomfort when out of one’s culture. I had even minored in “Global Studies” at University. Now, after two years in England I look back to that time, and I cannot help but think how unprepared I was to serve in the Northeast of England as a youth worker.

I quickly realised this after the first month flew by and it suddenly hit me that I wasn’t going back home. I was staying. I was staying for the whole year and probably longer. This wasn’t a mere one and done trip. Short and sweet. This was a year— fully and completely present, living and breathing in England. Long and difficult.

This work was not for the faint of heart. You could not rely on your initial excitement and enthusiasm to keep you going because sooner than not those feelings would fade and you would be face to face with the reality of your new and surprisingly normal life. Once the honeymoon period is over, you are faced with a choice. You can chose to find your purpose and meaning in Christ and His call on your life to be here, or you can try to find it in all the social media likes and comments you get from Facebook or Instagram after you’ve posted a picture of yourself on top of a mountain in the Lakes District or walking the corridors of Durham Cathedral like they did in Harry Potter.

Don’t get me wrong, those are both amazing and sweet things about being in England and it is fun to share them with friends and family back home, but if you are more motivated to show off all the adventures England has to offer instead of fully committing yourself and your time to serving and putting down roots among your English community— doing the hard, messy, and draining nuances of ministering to people and youth— then this is not the place for you. This is not a trip. This is life. It may only be a part of your life for one year or in my case two (so far), but it is ministry-life nonetheless.

Everything changed for me when I chose to remember my identity and purpose were in Christ and not in the “experience” of England. Despite its magical and attractive qualities we read in books and see in movies, England with let you down. I had to let go of my expectations and embrace the reality of living and doing ministry in the Northeast of England. When I let go that’s when God took over and started using me to truly build relationships and connect with English young and old. It wasn’t about me or my experiences anymore, and perspective renewed, I joined in with God’s plan and His heart for the Tees Valley.

So, if you are trying to decide if you are supposed to come and serve in England or not, check your heart.


Ask God to reveal your true motivation for coming.

Do you feel called to be here?

Or are you trying to chase another experience?



Grand Blanc, MI | 24

PROJECT: Thornaby

While attending Liberty University, Jenna studied English and global studies while playing on the women's soccer team. After going on several short-term mission trips, she felt God's call to go to England. She clearly felt God’s call to use her knowledge of English literature and love for their game of football to not only connect with the English but also preach the gospel to them with or without words.

Posted on October 18, 2016 .