It has been a great year in here in The Tees Valley! We have seen the Lord do some incredible things in our midst. We began 2013 on top of Roseberry Topping, an iconic rock that rises above Teesside and serves as a chapel for us to teach the word and pray over this valley with regularity. As the clock struck midnight last December 31st we were on Roseberry Topping praying over the Tees Valley. It was freezing cold and windy but a beautiful night as the stars danced in the sky! As we began to pray 2013 in I was not prepared for what was going to happen next. The Valley erupted with flashes of light and color as fireworks went off all over Teesside. It was spectacular! As we prayed I had this thought…Father that is exactly what we want You to do in this valley….we want the light of the glorious gospel to shine brightly and for you, Father to erupt in every town and village that we are ministering in. In many ways the Lord has begun to answer that prayer. The ministry at The Vine Church is growing. We are seeing new faces and families each week and the venue we meet in is definitely at capacity. We are continuing to experience the movement of God in our services and lives are being changed. The partnership with Tees Valley Youth for Christ and UK-USAMinistries is also blossoming. We had 15 different short term mission teams bring over 250 youth and adults across the pond to serve and share the love of Jesus in the Tees Valley in 2013! We also had an amazing team of 20 summer interns that lived here for two months and they served and supported the ongoing youth and kids outreach projects. Then in September we launched the current Gap Year Team for 2013-14! They are an amazing group of 25 servant leaders that God is using in a tremendous way! They are serving in 25 different schools each week and leading 31 faith based Youth and Kids clubs every week. They are faithfully sowing the seed and praying for God to bring forth fruit that will remain! I believe we will see it soon… “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
We often hold on to that verse and claim it for this labor of love that we have here in The Tees Valley. I believe we are on the verge of seeing some real fruit this spring and summer!
I love this time of year because it is a natural point in our yearly journey to look back and remember and also to raise our head and peer down the road into the unknown. I cannot say with certainty what the New Year will bring. Each of the next 365 days holds so much potential for the glorious gospel and for His Kingdom to be advanced. I can say that He is faithful and that by His grace I will be as well. I can say that I am excited to join Him where He is at work…and I believe He is definitely up to something here in Teesside. Our team is growing. We will add 4 more Gap Year Volunteers this next week. We are also adding Tyler and Nicki McClure tomorrow as the get on a plane to come here to head up Axiom Sports in partnership with Tees Valley Youth for Christ. God is rising up people to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this valley and we are going to see this place transformed by the power of God. As we grow, we need you to continue to go and grow with us. We count it a privilege to be in partnership with you. Will you please continue to support all that we are doing here both in prayer and financially? If you will pray with us for this coming year will you please send me a message on Facebook or Twitter? That will help me to know who all is praying for us on a daily basis. If you would like to support this ministry over the next year or send in a 2013 year end gift you can send a check to uk-usaministries PO Box 11555 Spring, Texas 77391 or you can give online at You can also help us by sharing the story of what God is doing in this place with your friends. I believe 2014 is going to be the most fruitful and exciting year yet. Please join us and pray to that end. Thank you so much and we are praying God’s richest blessings upon you in 2014!