Today is Christmas Eve. The sun is already beginning to set on the valley and I can hear the faint laughter and conversation of loved ones downstairs. The wind is blowing through the trees and the wispy clouds are moving swiftly to reign briefly over someone else’s gaze. The Christmas music from my iTunes account is singing of the cradle in bethlehem. Snow is lacking out my window. The temperature is not as cold as the tales of the white christmas’ of old idealize… but I am yet joyful.
I am joyful because tomorrow is just like any other day as a follower of Jesus. I used to be sad as the clock struck 11:59pm on the December 25th’s of my childhood. I truly would be sorrowful that it was over. I love Christmas lights. I love holiday festivities. I love cold weather and warm sweaters. I love fires and warm drinks, flannels and my mom’s cooking. I love Christmas trees and family being together. I am delighted in all of these things and so much more, but my outlook has changed this year. Those things that once had dominion over the happiness in my heart for this season have been paled. They are great things.. but He is far greater. Their true colors have been dimmed in the majestic light of Him.
It is not that I have just met Jesus this year, but I have grown to know Him deeper. I have learned more of His unchanging, eternal character and how that relates to the ever-changing, death-deserving human that I am. I have learned how joy unspeakable is offered and given to whosoever will receive with every new breath. I have learned that the maintaining of my worthiness for love is a fool’s game and I must put away all my notions of striving rather than receiving. Why would my striving do anything for the Living God who made Himself nothing, taking on human flesh, becoming obedient unto death FOR me? Why and how could my state of worthiness rest on my own works? Jesus Christ came as a baby on this planet that He created. He is making the sunset that I’m watching. He is dwelling in me. THIS IS THE CRAZIEST NEWS I HAVE EVER FATHOMED. I can barely hold it in!!!!
Life passes away and His word remains firmly fixed in the heavens.
His word is true and my soul knows it.
We are broken pieces of pottery, but we are held safely in the hands of the Great Potter… and He has not left us to fend for ourselves. That is why He came to us. That is why we celebrate, not only on December 25th… but everyday.
His πνεῦμα shakes the earth. None can stay His hand. I have been reminded of my First Love this day. Even the strongest of trees cannot stand completely still against His wind. The reality of Christmas is much like the strong wind I feel rushing through my open window… but 10293284 billion times stronger.
Jesus Christ came to give life to those who were wallowing in our own blood, to give the human race true, abundant, and eternal life and freedom, to give man the undeserved and [literally] AWEsome blessing of knowing Him intimately in this life and beyond.
We are alive forever all because of the poured out life of YHWH. The Living Word. Veiled in flesh. The incarnate Deity.
It is a Merry Christmas. It is a merry LIFE! It feels like Thanksgiving in my heart. This joy surpasses the 25th of every December. It surpasses the trials and annoyances of life. And although the lights might be coming down and the trees will begin to brown, my soul rejoices in Jesus.