Learning to Say Goodbye

     I woke up an hour earlier than normal this morning because I needed to say “goodbye.” And I hate saying goodbye. However, I’ve had to do it so many times throughout life that I’m getting used to it.  I used to see goodbyes as a really sad moment, because for whatever reason you and another person won’t see each other again.  That’s sad!  However, then I started realizing there was something different I could focus on, being the memories that person(s) left me with. 

     You see, moving to England I was placed in a host family who had just been gifted with three foster kids.  I adore kids, so walking up and being greeted by so many little ones was such a heart warmer.  Today these kids will move on, which means I might not see them again.  Hence the memories start to come…I remember the first afternoon I was here we sat out front on the patio and painted some real great masterpieces – such as bricks, transparent designs on our hands and feet (cause it was just water so surprise! You didn’t actually know what you were painting), fish, rainbows, and then you have the occasional cleaning of the front gate.  Cause what four year old doesn’t want to clean every single detail on a brick with a paintbrush and water?  One of the things that I loved so much about that day was how even though these kids hadn’t known me for more than 5 minutes, they were already sitting in my lap, hugging me, etc.  as if we were best friends. #bestillmyheart

     Another memory was when Sage and I were home to eat dinner with the family.  When you’ve got eight people around a table you’re for sure going to have an interesting meal.  I just loved how the kids would make jokes or silly faces that stick with you.  One night the littlest girl said something funny to our host mom about her meal, and now Sage and I will randomly say it and crack up.  There were certain things the kids would do and say that will forever remind me of them.  I also loved eating meals with so many people cause it was a little piece of home.  Coming from a family of eight, our meals are the most chaotic thing but in a good way…usually.  Therefore, having chaotic meals for the first month I was here was a nice gift from the LORD.  Also, movie nights were a gift from the LORD.

     The kids would try and have a movie night every Friday.  Cause of our schedules we weren’t always here for that, but one night we were!  The chosen movie: Frozen. Yes please! Let me just say that even if the speakers were broken you would still get every line.  The precious kids quoted (with great enthusiasm) and sang (complete with dancing) about 95% of the movie.  And it was the cutest thing ever.  It made me laugh so much, because the kids were so excited and hype about the movie that they just didn’t care.  I came away with some great dance moves thanks to those guys, and movies really are more exciting when you’ve got four other kids quoting it almost louder than the actual tv.  

     There are so many memories I’ll always cherish but that could take a while, so I’ll leave it with this.  Thank you for: hugging me all the time, mixing up Sapon’s names on purpose and thinking it was hilarious, trying to scare me whenever I walked through the kitchen, saying “Yoohoo big summer blowout!” on a frequent basis, singing in the shower (which is right next to our room) because kid voices singing is just real precious, waving to me from outside whenever you were going to church, and everything else.  I don’t fully understand why God allows people to come and go so easily, but I’m thankful I could be in your lives for 35 days. I loved it and am praying God carries you throughout this next season!

- Kiki, summer intern

Posted on June 24, 2015 .