Thankful in the little


One thing that Kiki and I often talk about is how thankful we are for the "little" things that God has given us here in England purely because He loves us. It is His delight to love His children and we rejoice seeing more and more ways that He does. One of the things He has given me here is a chance to paint with every project that I am working on. In the coffee shop in Darlington (see previous post by Kiki), I am working on small paintings for the walls. In the media team where we are producing and editing videos, I got to paint for our main project while being filmed painting.


The town I spend most of my time in is called Thornaby. There are different youth clubs and park events that we do there almost every day of the week. One day last week, all of the girls asked me to paint them animals. I sat there stunned that God has been able to love me by giving me the chance to paint and that that is how He wants to show these girls that He loves them. What a beautiful picture of gifts God has given us. They are meant to bless others with His presence and in the same way, we are blessed with His presence. The way God has incorporated painting into every area I am working here has left me with my eyes wide and my mouth speechless. He loves to delight in His children!


A few of the other ways He has chosen to show us His love in "little" ways has been: natural white light in our room, a house full of vegetables, a family with kids, random days of rest, a beautiful park next to our house to run in, big fluffy comforters that envelope you, french press coffee in an instant coffee world, almond butter, the best carrots ever tasted, and many more that would make no sense in writing. What are the ways God loves you in your life? We all sing 10,000 reasons but how many of us have sat down to try and write out as many reasons as we can that we have to praise? I encourage you to do it now. Sit down and write out as many ways as you can possibly find that show God's love for you. I promise your heart will be encouraged by the God who delights over you with song. 

"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thes. 5:16-18

Sage, Summer Intern 

Posted on July 6, 2015 .