We have had a great start to the new school year here in The Tees Valley! God has given us an amazing group of leaders from across the UK and the USA to serve as Youth and Kids Workers in Teesside. Our Gap Year team of 27 hail from 12 different states- Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia! We also have team members from England and Northern Ireland! We have added a new page to the website and you can read their brief bios and follow them on instagram, twitter, and read their blogs here throughout the coming year. We are so grateful to God for His provision of these amazing and talented leaders!
We are seeing signs of faith and hope rising all across Teesside! God is definitely using this ministry and the local churches we are serving alongside to affect this area for the Gospel! As always we need more folks to join us in this endeavor to take the Good News in a relevant way to The Tees Valley. However we had several churches and towns that we were not able to supply a GapYear Youth Worker to that wanted one this year.
Luke 10:2 "He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.""
We continue to pray, cast the vision, and recruit folks willing to give a year or two to come lock arms with us in the ministry here. If you know anyone that you think would be interested in serving with us please send them here for more information.
Thanks again for your continual prayer and financial support.
Mike and Kookie