All across the UK most schools begin half-term break today. It's a bit like fall break in the USA. Families with kids love it as it signifies the halfway point of the first and longest term of the year! It is a chance to take a break and get some holiday time. This year during half-term break we decided to do a mission week together as a team. One of the great dreams we have as an organization is to lock arms and support the work of existing ministries across the United Kingdom.
So tomorrow through Friday, our team of gap year volunteers will travel to Lisburn Northern Ireland to lead a VBS/day camp in partnership with Christ Church Belfast and Salt Factory Sports. We are expecting over 50 children and young people to participate each day! Our theme for the week is “Who is God?” Each day we will have a Bible story centered around that theme. We will begin each day by dividing the kids into 4 different teams. We will do music and learn a different memory verse each day. They will participate in a new sport each day and also do a craft activity building a solar system to illustrate God’s amazing creation! Teams will earn points so that a champion can be crowned at the end of the week. Please pray for our gap year team this week as they minister in Northern Ireland. You can learn more about both of the ministries we will be working with here:
Your continued prayer support and financial giving continues to sustain us here in The Tees Valley and is now helping us reach out to Northern Ireland! Thanks so much for your partnership in the Gospel.
“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news?” - Romans 10:15